Aaron Klemz wrote:

And lastly - what really gets me going is the insider
party activist banter that demonstrates what the real
problem is here. If the sum total of Minneapolis
politics is contained in your ability to woo 300-400
activists at the endorsing convention, and/or get
10-12 union and interest group endorsements then we
have truly become an oligarchy in function if not in
name. Before you get all "democracy" on me - let's be
clear. 90+% (and I would love to get the actual number
on this) of endorsed DFL candidates win. AND -
democracies function badly when become exclusively
personality driven. It leads to ridiculous outcomes
like "no shirt, no parade contingent, no vote." And
while I don't believe that rationale drives most
activists, it seems to me like the distillation of our
current model of politics in Minneapolis rather than
an aberration.

So what, exactly, are _you_ going to do about it?  If you
don't like what's happening, what's preventing you from
changing it?

David Greene
The Wedge
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