Wizard asks, of the BoET:

> PS: Maybe a snappier name?

I've been running for the Board of Estimate and Taxation for about six months now. I've learned that when I meet someone I say, "My name is Carol Becker. I am running for the Board of Estimate and Taxation, the job no one knows exists." This introduction avoids all sorts of awkward moments where people know that they should have some clue what this office does but in all honesty they really don't. The task gets even harder when you explain that the Board of Estimate neither taxes nor estimates. Then there is the problem that "the Board of Estimate and Taxation" may be the longest name for any elected office in Minnesota. Try fitting that on a pin.

So here would be some of my nominations for renaming the Board of Estimate and Taxation:

The Board of We're Not Really Sure What They Do.

The Board of Bored (we are talking taxes here)

The Board that does not Estimate or Tax

The Board of .It's OK that Your Eyes are Glazing Over

The Board of Money (that will get people's attention)

Hope to see everyone out on the campaign trail.

Carol Becker

Candidate for the Board of Something

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