<Warning--attempted humor alert--(with a reference to a book)--Warning>

Wizard--Just remember, according to Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Universe author) Humans are only the third most intelligent animals on
earth. Mice are actually the most intelligent and are really running
experiments on us (after fighting mice every fall when they find their way
into our 95 year old house, I tend to believe that).

Sheldon Mains
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor Endorsed
(And one of two candidates who admit to being Science Fiction fans) 
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wmmarks
> Subject: [Mpls] not quite rabbits
> Along with the Lake St. dig, I am having my back yard dug up and 
> revamped to add off street parking. Between Lake St. and my 
> workers, we 
> have honked off every field mouse, church mouse, country mouse, city 
> mouse, and vole around here. They are running all over the 
> place because 
> their habitat has been disturbed. They're coming in the house 
> where the 
> cats, true to form, are torturing and killing them. It's a sort of 
> Abu-Graib deal right here. Ish. I hate when the cats torture critters.

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