On Tuesday, August 9, 2005, at 11:04  PM, Robert Lilligren wrote:

For me, all candidates in our municipal elections are worthy of respect
regardless of their viability. These are our friends and neighbors who have stepped forward and taken risks. They've put themselves out there because
they feel they have something to offer.

I've been distressed lately by the lack of respect shown by some candidates and their supporters to their opponents; especially in races with lots of challengers. I urge voters to pay attention to how a candidate and their campaign treat the competition. This, I believe, is a pretty good indicator
of how s/he will behave in office.

THANK YOU CM Lilligren for this timely and important message.

And THANKS to Arthur Himmelman for his message:

On Friday, August 5, 2005, at 09:22  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I realize that this may be an unrealistic request, but I am wondering if anyone would like to try to do more of what Jon Stewart asked of CNN's Crossfire crowd: Would you analyze, discuss, and debate the substantive issues of the politics that you are discussing rather than simply attacking the political
strategies and personal qualities of those that you oppose?

There's not much I can add to these clear messages.

Best wishes,


Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Minneapolis, MN
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414

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