It is ashame that the media and political insiders are able to present it as 
a foregone conclusion that the only candidates who stand a chance are two 
conventional politicians (at least in the context of Minneapolis politics), 
neither of whom have articulated one substantive policy difference from the 
other.   Both represent politics as usual.  One is a classic old guard DFL 
machine politician.  The other poses as a reformer but delivers little 
meaningful reform.   A contest between Rybak and McLaughlin is certain to 
lack any useful substantive debate on policies because the two candidates 
lack any real substantive differences.

It would be great if enough progressives and independent-minded voters 
resolved to forgo supporting a candidate who does not represent them, and 
vote for a candidate who does.   Farheen Hakeen will at least present voters 
with a choice on issues, and force the other candidate to actually explain 
his substantive positions.  We would certainly see a debate on public 
stadium funding (which the fraternal twin contenders of course both 
support).  There could be a debate on a range of issues where the city 
government chooses how to balance the desires of the affluent against the 
needs of the poor (increasingly the two economic groups remaining in 

Whether McLaughlin or Rybak win is of little consequence.  Getting Hakeen 
through the primary would provide candidate whose focus is on principals and 
substantive ideas.  The other surviving fraternal twin would at least have a 
real opponent.  The voters would have a real choice.

Jordan S. Kushner
Golden Valley (Minneapolis resident for 14 years) 

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