Aaron N. wrote, in part:

We must make these steps now and lay the groundwork for the
post-petroleum Minneapolis economy while becoming sustainable.  This is
what our campaign means by making "Your Vote Count For...A Sustainable

Peace is possible!

I agree, Aaron. Thanks to you for actually talking about the "real world" we live in. The Oz-like "spin world" of manipulation and seduction from the big public relations firms hired to shape our mental and emotional landscape is about to collide once again with Mom Nature in the Gulf of Mexico.

The price of natural gas is between $12.83/MMbtu and $15.43/MMbtu right now. Wholesale gas is at $2.09/gal again. Electricity and home heating costs are likely to double or more this winter. Our lives in Minneapolis relate to oil and natural gas production much as fish relate to water. Katrina and Rita are the result of the fever we've given Mother Earth. These storms will hit Minneapolis in may ways. We will appreciate energy and materials we have previously taken for granted. The poor will be hit especially hard. Homelessness may very well increase this winter.

We Minneapolitans are awash in energy and materials from oil and natural gas. The GOM production may be largely "shut in" for considerable time -- weeks or months. Hurricane season is not over. Next year's hurricane season may hit hard as well. Minneapolis, like the rest of the nation, is tied to this fossil fuel production like a junkie in full-blown denial. We are about to see the costs of our favorite "high" rise significantly.

Rita looks bigger than Katrina: check out this image from the weather underground:


Bloomberg has a good article about the potential effects of Rita. Note that they look to Matthew Simmons, founder and CEO of Simmons & Company International, for evaluation. I recommend that Minneapolis edemocracy list members check out the Powerpoint presentations available on Simmons' website with regard to the implications of "peak oil" as well. Katrina and Rita give us a sample of what is coming in the next 3 years or so. Here's the Bloomberg article.


We are like a family facing some difficult times. Sustainable development is not optional. Learn all you can about sustainable living. Demand that sustainability be the first priority at every level of government. Vote Green. Most importantly, live Green.

If we are fortunate, Rita will meander southward and disorganize -- not likely. No matter Rita's path, our path should be clear by now. Local energy, food, and water self reliance, sustainable over time.

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst -- Gary Hoover
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