From City Pages:

That same evening, a meeting on the ballpark issue was scheduled for 5:30 p.m. at the downtown headquarters of the Minneapolis Community Development Agency (MCDA). For more than a year, Minneapolis citizens, local businesspeople, and city officials had been crafting their own stadium plan. A city-appointed panel of 17 citizens, dubbed C-17, had spent the fall hashing out ballpark options. Stadium experts had been flown in, financing options mulled over, and a potential site identified. The final proposal called for a cheaper, scaled-down ballpark in downtown Minneapolis paid for with little or no government dollars. The meeting was to be the first time that city officials and members of the C-17 committee would brief the Twins on their work.

Representatives from the city's planning, finance, and public works departments, along with employees of the MCDA, were on hand. First Ward city council member Paul Ostrow was in attendance. Betsy Hodges, co-chair of the C-17 committee, was present to speak for the citizens' group.

The only interested party that didn't have a presence was the Minnesota Twins--even though MCDA deputy executive director Keith Ford had been assured that team president Jerry Bell, or someone else representing the team, would attend. "I expected that somebody would be there," says Jim Forsyth, project manager for the MCDA, who was leading the city's ballpark efforts. "For whatever reason I guess the Twins felt that the time wasn't right. I think they still had hopes for their bill in the Legislature." Hodges says she was "somewhat bewildered" by the Twins no-show. "There was no downside to them meeting with us," she adds.

EY: Progressive Minnesota was behind the referendum to limit Minneapolis funding for stadiums. What is Progressive Minnesota's position on these stadiums now? I thought PM opposed public funding for for profit, Pro-sports stadiums. What is Betsy Hodges doing to protect the taxpayer's interest on this 1.1 billion dollar boondoggle with the current Hennepin County plan?

As Republican Linda Koblick wrote - following the Republican Party Platform:

The Hennepin County Board is proceeding with a request to the Legislature for authority to impose a .15 percent sales tax and is requesting an exemption to the referendum requirement that state statute mandates to issue bonds for constructing a $478 million Twins stadium in Minneapolis. This tax will raise $1.1 billion over 30 years.

A May 6 Star Tribune editorial ("This is a Republic - Leave off with the Referendum Talk") implied that referendums aren't appropriate for this taxation proposal. Not true. State statute requires a referendum.

This is not a simple "3 cents on $20" tax deal that gives us outdoor baseball. That's the mantra the advocates want everyone to repeat, without asking for the details. Those advocates designed this, in timing and in process, to thwart effective public review and input. The people and businesses in Hennepin County affected by this taxing decision deserve to decide whether this billion-dollar tax proposal makes sense to them, and provides them with value for the public tax dollar. They also deserve a forum where they can speak and be heard.

--Linda Koblick, "Stadium Rush Leaves Public Out" Star Tribune, May 10, 2005

Governor Pawlenty has said publically (on MPR) that he supports a referendum. Noone asked him the obvious followup question - whether he would veto a bill that contained an exemption to the referendum requirement for this sort of tax.

Eva Young
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"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759,
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)

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