The September 21 meeting of the Park Board started at 4:30pm with a closed-to-the-public session to discuss workers' compensation litigation.

At 5:07pm, the doors were opened to the public and I entered promptly. Before I could even sit down, President Jon Olson had already convened the regular meeting, gotten the agenda approved, gotten the minutes for the September 7 meeting approved and was starting the Reports from Officers.

- Superintendent Jon Gurban: gave his usual self-congratulatory and stand-up comic routine of extolling the wonderful things that had happened and doling out small dollops of praise to staff and commissioners, while generally avoiding substantive information. He mentions meeting with Three Rivers parks regarding getting some resources for Wirth Park winter recreation. He also attended a Met Council meeting regarding Lake of the Isles and getting the big renovation project there done. The Park Board "needs" [wants] $5 million from the state to finish it. Meeting was also attended by a number of other "big shots" such as Mayor R.T. Rybak and CM Lisa Goodman [IIRC].

Commissioner Marie Hauser interrupts the reports to interject a superfluous and inappropriate remark praising Gurban's appointment to the hosting committee for the 2010 annual meeting for the National Recreation and Park Association being hosted by local affiliate the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association, Gurban's former employer. [Actually maybe it is something of an accomplishment, considering Gurban traded lawsuits with his former employer.]

- General Manager Don Siggelkow introduces the Park Board's new Public Relations person, Dawn Sommers, formerly of Three Rivers Parks. He also says the Teamsters approved their contract with the Park Board with a 2% compensation increase.

- Lt. Robert "Robbie" Goodsell of the Park Police presents the monthly report in Chief Brad Johnson's absence. Item of most note was a new motorcycle lease program which saves the motorcycle patrol. Previous lessor raised the rates beyond what they could afford, but they got a new deal from Faribault Harley Davidson. Goodsell has nothing but good news, especially with regards to the motorcycle patrol program.

Commissioner Carol Kummer asks if they drive the motorcycles on trails to enforce separation of pedestrians on pedestrian trails from bicycles on bicycle trails. Goodsell answers that motorcycle patrols do enforce those regulations [but avoids making Kummer look foolish by saying they don't regularly drive on those same trails].

Commissioner Walt Dziedzic digresses into some unnecessary story about giving a Park Police officer the thumbs up when he saw the officer giving a motorist a ticket. He encourages the Park Police to give more "tags".

Comr. Hauser complains about traffic in south Minneapolis.

Commissioner Annie Young states that Cedar Field is still giving the community problems and needs more law enforcement effort.

Commissioner John Erwin remarks on problems with motorists passing each other on parkways, especially West River Road. Apparently that's not a legal maneuver on parkways, although as Erwin points out there markings are so poor no one can tell. He suggests signs to state the regulation so that people are aware of it.


CONSENT BUSINESS 2.1 Approving final payment to a contractor is quickly approved without discussion or opposition. 2.2 Approving a complete settlement for a workers compensation claim, roll call vote: Erwin abstains as he was absent from the 4:30pm discussion and therefore is not adequately informed, commissioners Vivian Mason and Rochelle Berry Graves are absent and remaining 6 vote Yet. Approved.

REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES * Planning Committee - chair Bob Fine 4.1 Approval of schematic design for phase 1, west bank of Above the Falls Master Plan.

Dziedzic digresses about an East side memorial park, toward the river from the Grain Belt brewery. Olson asks if this has anything do with the West side plan they are approving [it doesn't]. 4.1 is Approved with none opposed.

* Administration and Finance Committee - chair Hauser 7.1 Approve increase in expenditure on fertilizer. Passes with Kummer opposed.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS * Nothing gets discussed.

NEW BUSINESS 9.1 Resolution supporting grant funding application to MN DNR for shore land restoration at Lake Hiawatha. Quickly moved by Fine. Kummer talks at some length about what a great opportunity this is. She says it will keep geese and dogs out of our lakes. Olson asks what's wrong with dogs in the water? Kummer says it is bad for water quality reasons. APPROVED 7 Yes, 2 Absent.

Olson argues with Young about procedure, which committee should take up environmental considerations of fertilizer purchase, etc. [There was supposed to be a report on "Integrated Pest Management" including fertilizer usage during the Operations and Environment Committee meeting chaired by Young.]

Young moves to reconsider 7.1 (fertilizer purchase), being on the prevailing side. She wants to vote no.

Erwin points out the purchase is for this year's procurement versus next year's policy on types and usage. He says they should proceed.

Hauser says "the universe is made up of chemicals" and so concern about using chemicals in the parks is misplaced. She asks "general manager Schmidt, do these fertilizers contains phosphates [sic]?" If so, they would be illegal.

General Manager Michael Schmidt responds that they test the soil before deciding which chemicals to use. He says that normally none of the fertilizers they use contain phosphorus and that they are in compliance with laws regarding such usage.

Hauser remarks further that fertilizers are not poison but are to make things grow.

Young withdraws her motion.

PETITIONS and COMMUNICATIONS * Kummer says it has been quiet except for citizen complaint about improper use of pedestrian/bike paths.

* Young says likewise quiet except the problems at Cedar Field.

* Erwin says there are issues on the parkways regarding speeding and passing, that they need signs due to lack of lane markings.

* Fine [as usual] has nothing to day. [It's hard to believe citizens of the 6th District never contact Fine with concerns -- or maybe they don't knowing full well how little real attention they will get from him.]

* Hauser says there are safety issues at Cedar Field and mentions a lighting plan. The lights at Cedar Field are actually better than what were asked for.
 She also mentions people have expressed to her their "sadness" over the loss
of so many elm trees and are concerned about stump removal.


* Dziedzic talks about how he couldn't do this job if he wasn't retired. He blathers on about the great staff, Gurban, Jon Oyanagi [the River District Manager -- just try and find contact information for the District managers on the Park Board web site. Hiring them was supposed to make it easier for citizens to contact someone who could help them. Bzzt! Try again! They're harder to find than other staff members], etc. etc. ad nauseum. Then he blathers on about how great the east side coaches are, and then goes on and on sucking up to Joe Maturi, the UofM athletic director. [Looking hard for that constituent petition or communication here and not finding it.]

* Hauser gets a second chance to blather about how great the "new system" of district managers is. [Apparently she knows their phone numbers, but we don't.]

* Kummer takes her second opportunity to talk about how dogs are bad for lakes.

* Olson asks GM Schmidt about stump removal status. Schmidt answers that it is continuing and will continue as long as the weather permits. He says it has been a good year and they are catching up on their back log.

5:50PM  Regular Meeting Recessed

** Recreation Committee called to order by chair Erwin. Study / Report Item: Continued brainstorming on Cultural Arts Programming. Powerpoint presentation by Diane Moe, Recreation Supervisor - Cultural Arts. Report on current state of affairs. One item she mentions is the concert series in the parks, and she includes Nicollet Island as one of the locations. [This appears to be false -- at least as far as public concerts on the Island go. The public amphitheater on Nicollet Island is no longer used or usable now that the Park Board has given control of most of the south end of the Island, of the Pavilion and of 2 parking lots to Mintahoe for their private use. Once upon a time, about 15 years ago, yes, there were public concerts from the concert series held at the amphitheater.]

Erwin's intent is to get a list of desires for cultural programming from the commissioners and to create a portfolio of things to take to granting agencies and the Park Foundation for potential funding.

Fine talks about the Minnesota Orchestra performance at the Lake Harriet Bandshell and maybe moving it to earlier in the day to avoid some of the airplane traffic and noise [what makes him think there are fewer flights earlier in the day?]. He suggests working with the Children's Theater [they already do] and tours through Minneapolis Institute of Arts [they already work with them, too].

Young (not on the committee) asks for an explanation of what Arts have to do with Science with respect to the cooperative effort they have with the Science Museum. She is asking from the perspective of a grant writer. She also mentions that developmentally challenged need opportunities as well, and is hearing about this on the campaign trail.

Dziedzic tosses out some non-sequitor about DeLaSalle and then rides his Peppermint Tent idea for many minutes, suggests putting on plays in the parks in tents that move from park to park with the Children's Theater, etc.

6:02PM  Erwin recesses Rec. Committee

Regular Meeting reconvened by VP Erwin in Olson's absence for public Open Time.

* Mari Taffe is on the agenda to talk about stop signs on Calhoun Parkway, but is not present.

End Part 1.

Chris Johnson

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