It was impressive to see all the City Council candidates in one long line.
Appeared to be more candidates that "real" public. (I was surprised at the
poor turnout at the N4N event--neighborhood activists should know how
important it is to be involved in the political process.) 

I was there from 6:15 to about 7:15 but had to attend another event.  (And
while community parks and community libraries are very important for strong
neighborhoods, there was no time for those candidates).

In general, the lack of "real" public (not people there to support one
candidate or another) has been consistent through the campaign.    Just
about all the Library Candidate forums had more candidates than audience
(even counting campaign people in the audience).  Both the Chamber of
Commerce and the GetBOB events before the primary were poorly attended by
the public.  

I'm not faulting the organizations that are putting on the events--many have
gone out of their way to publicize the events.  It is just very difficult
for people to find the time in their busy lives to attend these things. I
have talked to many more voters at community events like Seward's King's
Fair or the Pratt Ice Cream Social.  To fit into people's lives, candidates
have to go to where the voters are. 
An additional problem is the lack of coverage of the election by any of our
major media.  (There is a great story about the local primary elections in
the Onion this week-- )

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

"It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them."
   Howard Dean

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