
This was posted by the list manager on 10/13/2005:
List manager wrote:
> As has been explained to you on several occasions, due to disagreements
> that arose in 2000 about the way that staff time should be accounted for
> and reimbursed, NRP declined to reimburse LNA for a sum of approximately
> $83,000.  Bob Thompson, the succeeding LNA Executive Coordinator,
> changed the manner of accounting for staff time as part of an overall
> restructuring of our accounting systems, but kept the sum on the books
> in the hopes that an agreement could be reached to obtain reimbursement.

From the NRP Audit Policy page 3:
"Only funds directly received and accounted for by a neighborhood are considered when determining if that neighborhood should receive and audit. A neighborhood receives NRP funds when it accepts an advance or reimbursement from any entity that distributes NRP funds.

"The total dollars in an NRP plan are not the same as the funds received by a neighborhood organization. The majority of funds in NRP plans are never actually managed or accounted for by neighborhood organizations.

* A neighborhood organization receives NRP funds when it accepts an advance from the City under a contract between the NRP, MCDA, and the neighborhood for the implementation of the neighborhood's NRP plan. * A neighborhood does not receive NRP funds when their plan dollars are received, accounted for and expended by the Park Board under a contract between MCDA and the Park Board. At no point in this process does the neighborhood actually process or receive payments. All transactions occur between the MCDA, Park Board, and contractors hired by the Park Board."

joan thom wrote:
Wendy Was any of this money from NRP funds if so they require an audit be done 
In Hawthorne this is made available to all board and Committee Chairs, as well 
as anyone else that requests it.
You should also be able to get this from Nrp.
Joan Thom
Scott Moore
Happy Accident Productions, LLC
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