This evening I had an opportunity to listen to the District 4 MPRB candidates debate at the Kenwood Rec Center. ( I was really there for the at-large debate but stayed later) Being from Northeast and not having the Lake of the Isles issues or the Hidden Beach issue as part of my neighborhood I asked a question pertaining to Northeast because though the district members are really tied to their own constituents they vote on issues that pertain to all parts of town. My issue was of course the fact that prior to it becoming the Lupient Waterpark, the northeast pool had reasonable family rates that people like my family could afford to pay for and use. I asked the candidates what they could do to help solve this problem.

Christine Hanson was of the opinion that the MPRB should be making these places free and that more partnering with foundations would give the needed dollars to make this happen. With her background in business she would be able to help make the grant requests more viable with better plans for how the money would be spent.

Tracy Nordstom was of the opinion that some park services should require fees but that by making a sliding scale and setting reasonable prices the cost for upkeep, lifeguards, parking lot maintenance etc... could be covered as well as providing an opportunity for all to participate.

Most people now would say... vote for that free lady.... get the money from some foundation and get a pass. NOT ME

I am of the old school that says you do not value something unless you have had to work for it. But the current fee is for many families just unattainable regardless of how many hours you work. I think that the MPRB should spend my tax dollars wisely and should be providing services to me at a cost I can afford. If they get too many foundation dollars they are no longer accountable to me the taxpayer but to the foundations that pay for their programs. And crazily enough when times are tough and folks really need the help is when foundation donations go down.

The current board has a majority that never seems to question their poor decisions even when the losses appear in the budget year after year. Having someone like Tracy on the board will bring in a person who will give you not the prettiest answer but the hard answer that really makes better sense in the long run.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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