What is a Charette?

The term ³charette² evolved from a pre-1900 exercise at the Ecole des Beaux
Arts in France. Architectural students were given a design problem to solve
within an allotted time. When that time was up, the students would rush
their drawings from the studio to the Ecole in a cart called a charrette.
Students often jumped in the cart to finish drawings on the way. The term
evolved to refer to the intense design exercise itself. Today it refers to a
creative process akin to visual brainstorming that is used by design
professionals to develop solutions to a design problem within a limited

Planning charette process - Mpls example
Sun, 19 Apr 1998 10:32:30 -0500 (CDT)

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I'm posting the following description in case it might be helpful in
thinking about a planning process that would be of use to other

On Sat 4/18/98 I attended the main public session for "planning charette"
which was announced belatedly on the Twin Cities Neighborhood Issues
mailing list with the following description:

"A planning charette is taking place next week for the area of Lake
Street between Uptown and Lyndale.   A charette is a planning process
specifically designed to get the public involved from the very
beginning.  Members of the public, as well as people directly affected
by redevelopment/development (such as homeowners or businesses) attend
meetings with planners and city reps. where a proposal is created via
their input (usually in small groups).  Planners then take these ideas
and draw up a draft proposal within a few days.  It is then presented
again to the public.  Charettes are a needed alternative to the
perfunctory public hearing where a bunch of angry citizens voice their
concerns and then are usually ignored."

"This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute your views to what you'd
like this area to be like (especially if you live near there, although
everyone is welcome).  It is also a good opportunity to experience,
first hand, what "New Urbanism" (neo-traditional/traditional
town-planning) is about."

AGAIN: Midtown Greenway Charettes: All Invite to Participate
October 19, 6:30-8:30pm (west of 35W)

Salem Lutheran Church, Lounge area

28th & Lyndale Ave S

Spanish interpreter available


October 20, 6:30-8:30pm (east of 35W)

Midtown YWCA, Community Room

2121 East Lake Street

West Calhoun

Q: What is a charette? Is this a word  regularly used in Minneapolis?

A: It is like a chatauqua with paper and  pictures. It is a word that is
regularly to describe a group planning  process where usually some folks
some specific expertise work on developing  a plan with detailed public
in a workshop setting.

Maybe it would  be clearer if we would say-
Basically there is a group that needs a plan- has  info- and wants to
"share it".

Scott Vreeland Seward  

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