Actually at last night's meeting of the MPRB, after just about everyone except Park Watch and staff had left, the USDA Forestry Service made a lengthy report on the status of our urban forest. They described our MPRB trees in detail and it seems that the species we have the most of now ( since we lost so many elms) are ash trees. The Emerald Ash borer has destroyed much of Ohio's ash trees and they are headed now into Michigan and Wisconsin. Will we be facing a crisis bigger than Dutch Elm Disease? And if that isn't a big enough worry the Asian Long-Horned Beetle isn't very picky about which trees it destroys, 75% of species are to its liking, and it too may be coming to a tree near you. The report will soon be posted to the MPRB website ( it's big so it will take a few days to scan ). I hope they plan on building the Forestry Sections reserves during the budget discussion they will have next Wednesday evening at 5:00pm as a committee of the whole.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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