I just want to clarify a point made in a recent email about the  
environmental record of Mayor Rybak as it regards Stage I Vapor  Recovery.
The initial Stage I vapor recovery ordinance was introduced and  passed in 
December, 2001 (2001-OR-160), but that ordinance only applied to new  gas 
stations being built and had no requirements for existing gas  stations.  Now 
for a minute about how few new gas stations are built  in the City of 
Minneapolis.  There are some (like the unfortunate addition  of Bobby and 
Steve's on 
Nicollet) but not many.

In 2002, I authored with the support of Mayor Rybak a much  stronger 
ordinance concerning Stage I Vapor Recovery.  It was   passed in December 2002 
(2002-OR-193). This ordinance requires all gas stations  in Minneapolis to 
their stations with Sage I  Vapor Recovery equipment by January 1,  2007.  The 
link to the staff report and ordinance is 
Scott Benson
Minneapolis City Council Member
Ward 11
Laura Huseby wrote on November 1:
For the record, I have been a volunteer for the Sierra Club Water Committee  
for the past three years.  I would love to participate in the next Sierra  
Club Political Committee.  

Point #1, RT wasn't even there when the  resolution for the vapor recovery 
was written.  And I believe your trying  to claim all the credit for someone 
wasn't even there for the  work.
SOURCE: Ordinance 2001-Or-160, proposed by CM Biernat, amended Title  13, 
Chapter 287.110, required that all gas stations established after 1/1/02  must 
install and use a Stage I vapor recovery system. This proposed ordinance  
unanimously on December 28, 2001, by City Council and was approved on  
December 31, 2001, by Mayor Sharon Sayles  Belton.

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