Meeting called to order by President Olson

Agenda Approved

Reports of Officers

River District Sara Ackman in for Jon Oyanagi

showed DVD of photos from various rec center Halloween parties with Monster Mash as the music total number of attendees 4015 kids under 17 and 1572 adults ( includes numbers from Creekview Park's haunted house which was open more than one evening) biggest turn outs at Creekview, Folwell, Webber, North Commons and Logan Parks.

Commissioner Dziedzic comments on the "fear Factor" at Bottineau Park being very high

Commissioner Olson thanks the staff, donors and volunteers for all of their hard work.

Lakes District Paul Hokeness

Sailboats off of the lakes
converting the mowers to snowplows and brooms
soccer and football wrapped up and now taking sign ups for basketball and volleyball
Lots of people at the Halloween Parties
Great haunted house at Armatage Park

the Lowry Hill neighborhood Association is donating $30,000 in NRP money for upgrading Kenwood Park

The lakes district has hired a planner ( is this a new hire or from within ... inquiring minds would like to know) The Lake of the Isles bike trail is in and had a celebrity rider....Sir Paul McCartney

Minnehaha District  Eileen Kilpatrick

Halloween parties at the parks and 3 big features...

outdoor celebration at Minnehaha Park with hay-rides
Pre-school Halloween at Pearl Park and
Haunted house at Powderhorn Park

2 new skate-parks are open at Brackett and Morris parks

on Oct 29th McCrea park hosted the Ed Solomon football tournament

And the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association conference was held in Rochester MN and the keynote speaker Dr. John Compton form Texas A & M had many compliments for the MPRB.

The Board now moves to consent business and passes the 4 recommendations about the Paddleford Company dumping Raw Sewage into the Mississippi River. The term Raw Sewage is changed to inadequately treated sewage per the agreement with the MPCA per the Paddleford's attorney. Go to this link for specifics... -02-05Regular.pdf

All Pass

Unfinished Business

Commissioner Young makes a report from the Charter Commission ( held earlier in the evening) that the commission has delayed forwarding the 8th draft so that during the next 4 weeks the additions request by the MPRB as well as some from the Library Board can be considered and a subcommittee was formed to handle it ( which may lead to version 9).

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Erwin was glad to announce that the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization ( MWMO) had funded many MPRB requests except for a Green roof for the headquarters building.

Commissioner Young has had many calls regarding Peavey Park

Commissioner Kummer had copies of the Charles Birnbaum editorial for all to read.

Commissioner Dziedzic mentions the Cadillac prize was not given out to the best halloween party due to a tie and he also mentions that the U of M boathouse has had a delay.

Commissioner Hauser gives an example of how the new district manager system is working with her only having to contact one person to get an answer to a constituent's problem with a curb cut.

She has also been receiving calls about Peavey Park and went with GM Schmidt to a meeting at the American Indian Center where there was much dismay over the closing and a renewed call for a facility at East Phillips.

Commissioner Fine thanks staff etc.. for Halloween parties and gives compliments to the folks at the Linden Hills rec center for their giant Muppet theme Halloween rooms.

Commissioner Erwin compliments the staff on getting the proposal in to get the MWMO funds mentioned above

and Commissioner's Young and Kummer mention the Halloween parties they attended and how nice they were.

end part 1

DeLaSalle Public Hearing speeches in part 2

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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