Mr. Caccavale,

  I received the below email from your organization and I am concern your
company has violated the unwritten rules on the MQSeries List Server which
is a community of technical experts from vendors and corporations alike.
This is not a forum for vendors to obtain contact names for the use of
marketing, but to identify problems or solutions in order to better the
individual, team, business unit, division, and ultimately the corporation.
If a vendor benefits by a plug-in based on a solution to a list server
member's situation we find that acceptable and cautiously encourage it.  I
personally, along with a reasonable number of my MQ associates, find this
method of "cherry picking" contact names on the list server unprofessional,
lacking in creativity, and a sign of desperation.

  At this time I could not recommend your organization to my associates or
upper management based on the lack of professionalism you have shown here.
Although I do understand the sales/marketing philosophy one may assume by
mass mailings, in reality most technicians who influence decision makers
are more than likely to be turned off by this method of advertisement.  So,
while I am recognizing the fact I received your email I am also trying to
help you out with any future turmoil you may bring upon yourself for the
mistake one of your employees may have initiated.

  Please note the only way for your organization to obtain my email address
is from the MQSeries List Server.

With best regards,


             "Themis Inc."
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             .com>                                                      To
                                       "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
             11/18/2004 09:55          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             AM                                                         cc

                                       Themis - 2005 Local & National


The purpose of this email is to alert you to the first 3 public training
classes that are scheduled in Omaha in 2005.
In addition, we have updated our Local & National Public Schedule through
April 2005.

We are actively seeking input for offerings to be included in the 2nd & 3rd
Quarters of 2005.
Please visit our website for a list of all courses and descriptions:

If you are interested in a class/technology that is not currently
please send me an email or use the "Course Request" function on our web

             February 22 - February 23, 2005
             DB1029 DB2 UDB SQL Stored Procedures for Unix/Windows
             Omaha, NE

             February 24 - February 25, 2005
             DB1025 DB2 UDB for z/OS & OS/390 Stored Procedures
             Omaha, NE

             March 14 - March 18, 2005
             Introduction to Java using WSAD V5.1
             Omaha, NE

Our national public schedule for the early part of 2005 can be found here:

Complete Regional Schedules:
Nebraska -
Illinois -
Iowa -
Kansas -

Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or need
additional information.
I will forward your request or question to the appropriate Training Advisor
for follow up.

Thank you,

John Caccavale
Themis Training - Specialists in IT Learning Solutions

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

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