---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 18:06:19 -0700
>From: Dan Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: MQSeries triggering on z/OS
>   I've looked through MQSeries manuals, tech searches,
>   red books, etc, and can't seem to find any technical
>   relief.  I'm guessing that their must either be
>   setup to do on JES to provide the link to MQSeries
>   or you have to run a custom trigger monitor program
>   that is able to submit jobs through JES.

For z/OS batch, you have to write your own trigger monitor, as
one is not provided by IBM. There is a sample BTM in the MQ
support pacs (MA12) and an improvement on that theme can be
found at:


There is also a presentation for a clever implementation of a
BTM that can be found on the NY/NJ MQUG website:


This latter option requires the C compiler on the mainframe,
however. So if that poses a problem for you, as it does for
me, you may want to take a look at an approach that I have
been working on.

Run your program under batch TSO as in the previous examples,
but code it in the HLL of your choice (COBOL in mine) and use
ISPF services to link to a CLIST which uses File Tailoring
Services to tailor some JCL and then submit it for execution
using the TSO SUBMIT command. An example of the JCL that would
 be required to run TSO/ISPF in batch can be found at:


I have a Process Name definition associated with the triggered
queue which has the job (member name) to be submitted
specified as the APPLID. My BTM gets the member name and the
request queue name from the MQTM and passes them, along with
the QMGR name, to the CLIST. The JCL in the skeleton library
has symbolic variables in it upon which ISPF FT thoughtfully
does substitution for me.

So far, this is working for me in a test environment.

Tom Dockray
Carnell 9-D

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