
You're going to have to uninstall MQ, then reinstall it via the console, PC
Anywhere, VNC or set it up for remote admin.  Terminal Services cannot be
used for direct administration.

Also, the userid you use for installation will have to have admin rights.

                    "Mabrito, Greg"
                    <Greg.Mabrito@U        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    SAA.COM>               cc:
                    Sent by:               Subject:     Re: Win/2K QMGR problem
                    MQSeries List

                    10:11 AM
                    Please respond
                    to MQSeries

I am currently struggling with this now.  I did install MQ locally but not
with a admin id and I can only access the queue manager via MMC Explorer,
this is still not satisfactory I like to run my scripts via runmqsc on the
box.  When I connect to the queue manager via terminal server I still get
the queue manager not available.  Rick are you saying that buy me
reinstalling using an Admin id that this will run the queue manager in a
global namespace and it will work through terminal server ?

Greg Mabrito
IMS and MQ Software Support
(210)913-3985 D-03-E
IBM Certified Specialist - Websphere MQ

The opinions herein are solely Greg's and are not necessarily the opinion

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Tiedemann/Ontario/IBM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Win/2K QMGR problem

Did you install MQ and MMC under an administrator id,  did you use
Microsoft Terminal Server ?. I originally installed MQSeries using Terminal
Server and experienced the same problems. IBM does not support Terminal
server so once I re-installed MQ Series from  a administrator id everything
was fine.

Rick Tiedemann
   IBM Global Services
   (519) 747-7000 x37301

                      Rick Tsujimoto
                      <rtsujimoto_consultant@CUSA        To:
                      .CANON.COM>                        cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries List             Subject:  Win/2K
QMGR problem
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                      06/05/2002 11:35 AM
                      Please respond to MQSeries

I have a strange one here.  Installed MQ/Win2K V5.2.1 with CSD4.  I can
create a qmgr via MQ Explorer and it starts up, turns green, and all the
other services, e.g. listener, also start.  But, the status of the qmgr is
"not connected" as per the properties report.  A normal qmgr would have
additional levels to navigate under the qmgr icon, e.g. a plus sign, but
not in my case.  Any attempt to issue a "connect" for the qmgr results in
message AMQ4043 - MQ Explorer thinks the qmgr is not running.  There are no
unusal messages in the event viewer, or the MQ error logs.

I can create the qmgr via the command line and access it.  But, MQ Explorer
has a strange view of it, e.g. instead of the green icon, it shows a
hatch-like icon and is basically not accessible.

I've installed the same software on another Win2K box without any problems.
Anyone see anything like this?

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