Its a  security error.
Set MCAUSER('mqm')
since mqm user on UNIX platform has all access rights to MQ Series objects.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 01:18 AM
Subject: RETURN CODE 2035

I received a RETURN CODE 2035 , and i have the following situation:
I have installed MQSeries Client (NT plataform) connected with MQSeries Server (AIX plataform), and i'm trying use amqsgetc from my MQSeries Client. I'm receiving RETURN CODE 2035. In my Client MQSeries i set the following ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE :
Where :
MYCHANNEL.SERVERCON is defined in my MQSeries Server (AIX plataform)
NNN.NN.N.NNN  is IP ADDRESS of my MQSeries Server.
Anybody has any tip to help me ?
Thanks in advance.
Reginaldo S. Rosa

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