Hi Paulo,

Following are Extracts from "MQ System Administration Guide",

Go throough it ...

It says DB2 is not Thread-aware?????

| This attribute is mandatory for MQSeries for OS/2 Warp and MQSeries for
| Windows NT. The value set on the ThreadOfControl attribute is used by the
| queue manager for serialization purposes when it needs to call the
| manager from one of its own multithreaded processes.
| Means that the resource manager is fully "thread aware". In a
| multithreaded MQSeries process, XA function calls can be made to the
| external resource manager from multiple threads at the same time.
| Means that the resource manager is not "thread safe". In a multithreaded
| MQSeries process, only one XA function call at a time can be made to the
| resource manager.
| The ThreadOfControl entry does not apply to XA function calls issued by
| queue manager in a multithreaded application process.
===> In general, an application that has concurrent units of work on
different threads requires this
        mode of operation to be supported by each of the resource managers.

| DB2 is not thread-aware so specify PROCESS.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 05:26 PM
Subject: Transaction Manager

> Hello,
> I'm using the MQSeries "JTA/JDBC coordination" feature in order to use
> MQSeries as Transaction Coordinator. I have a java application that makes
> some MQSeries/DB2 operations, and MQSeries is working as a Transaction
> Coordinator. When I use a single-thread program, all works fine. I tried
> use a multi-thread program, and the problems started. Each thread makes a
> connection to the Queue Manager and to DB2. Each thread makes a different
> transaction. Although each thread has each own MQSeries/DB2 connections,
> seems that MQSeries is having problems in handling the different
> transactions.
> Anyone can tell me if an application can only have one active transaction,
> or is possible to have several threads with there own connections and
> transactions?
> Thanks
> Paulo
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