Just as a final comment, the trace we sent to IBM showed that
the reason this huge memory was being allocated was due to
a setting in the qmstatus.ini file :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]=2403899684

MQ V5.2 uses this field to allocate the appropriate memory
the next time the queue manager is started. When we finally
did get it to work, it showed


I believe it was the upgrade process that somehow increased
this value. Our contact at IBM stated that CSD2 introduced some
code related to the qmstatus.ini file, but although other
customers have suffered similar problems, IBM have not been
able to get to the bottom of it.

I've agreed to close the pmr, but asked IBM what additional info
to capture if it were to happen again: prior to upgrading to
CSD4 (maybe even a prior version) take a copy of your qmstatus.ini
file, and compare it afterwards.

One final word of caution for users of the Candle agent for MQ.
The trace we sent IBM had some 'bad MQ return codes' in it which
were being issued by the agent. We're currently awaiting info
from Candle to ensure that the agent's code (and library files)
are compatible with CSD4.

Regards ... Ruud

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruud van Zundert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 June 2002 17:54
To: MQSeries List
Subject: RE: CSD4 MQ5.2 on Sun - huge memory usage

Thanks, Jim - looks like we're not alone. I'll check that
Apar you mentioned.

Anyone else seen this as well?

Anyone from IBM like to comment?

Cheers ... Ruud

-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: 22 June 2002 16:40
Subject: Re: CSD4 MQ5.2 on Sun - huge memory usage

I had this exact problem on CSD3 for Solaris. IBM spent 6 weeks
"investigating" it, and eventually wanted me to put on an efix. But it was
our most important production box that was getting the worst of the
problem, and actually crashing every 6-8 hours. So I had long since backed
off CSD3 and gone back to CSD1. We haven't had any problems at this level
whatsoever, before or since.

I believe that the APAR that IBM said described the problem was IY29497,
but I'm not 100% certain. Like I said, we took the coward's way out and
retreated. I do see that IY29497 is fixed on CSD5, so that would indicate
that you're running with this exposure.

Hope this helps.

                      Ruud van Zundert
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                      OM>                      cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  CSD4 MQ5.2 on Sun -
huge memory usage

                      06/22/02 03:56 AM
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Dear all - we're currently rolling out CSD4 for MQ 5.2
onto our Sun, AIX and Windows servers; we were running
without any maintenance.

Progress has been good, and I'm particularly pleased
that the MQ shutdown problems we had on our Sun boxes
has been cured.
No problems have been encountered in the DEV and UAT

We have just started to upgrade the production Sun boxes,
and when the queue manager was restarted, the listener
soon failed ('could not bind to port 1414'). An FDC was
created around the same time stating 'no memory'.
The IPCS command showed that MQ had allocated a huge
amount of memory, with one segment being over 2GB!!!
(Apologies for not having all the details, but I'm
 writing this away from the client site).

One Sun box was rebooted, and this 'cured' the problem.
A second box was rebooted, but the 2GB memory was
allocated again.

Please note that only one queue manager runs on each
box, and the kernel settings are as per the Quick
Beginnings guide.

Anyone seen this before?

Regards ... Ruud

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