We are implementing an architecture which uses an MQ cluster (8 W2K boxes)
to load balance.   Four unique servers perform specific functions (2
presentation tier, 1 mqsi and 1 com+).   Each of the 4 servers has a "twin"
so that we have no single points of failure.   When we chose the Q's to
define to the cluster, we defined each one on the pair of twin boxes, and
we just use the round-robin algorithm to load balance between the two.
Where we need affinity to support request-reply scenarios, we just use a Q
which is not defined to the cluster and specify RTQM in the header.

In addition, we use AppCenter2000 to load balance our 2 pairs of
presentation tier servers.   The whole thing is working beautifully so far.
Larry LaChanse
The MONY Group

                      a"                       To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      <Checkas@BCBSMO.         cc:
                      COM>                     Subject: Re: MQ and Win2K load 
balancing w/ COM+
                      Sent by:
                      MQSeries List

                      07/12/02 02:50
                      Please respond
                      to MQSeries List

We have done extensive testing of Application Center Component Load
Balancing (CLB) and Network Load Balancing in our Proof Of Concept
environment.  CLB works exactly as Peter Larson described.  We have not
tested the JIT concept.

As for the behavior of MQ, you are right in that your application has to
hold a reference to the COM+ object to ensure that you wait on a reply from
the node that put the message on initially.  If you lose the reference and
try to do a get later, you will end up possibly getting directed to another

Can anyone share their experience with pure MQ load balancing on Windows
2000 servers.

Software Architect
314 923 6708

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Larsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: MQ and Win2K load balancing w/ COM+

Hi Peter,

Don't know if this will be to any help for you or if it's just
noise......anyway here are my thoughts.

I haven't been involved in any dev regarding  App Center, but..
My understanding of Component Load Balancing, which is the feature that
load-balancing of COM+ apps in App Center, is that it load-balances COM+
object creation. Which should mean that as long as
you're holding on to a object reference, it should be bound to the same
server hosting that object-instance.
This should be true even if your COM-classes use Just-In-Time activation ,
however as I mentioned I haven't used it !
So it COULD be that i.e. JIT-activated objects not are bound to the same
server for the object reference life-time, then you'll be stuck with using
objects that don't deactivate between method call's
and thereby kills scalability (at least as MS says....).
After reading your posting I looked around on the MS Site and there weren't
any docs that clearly (deep tech) showed how it really works, but the text
found stated that subsequent request for an
already created object should be routed to the same server.

Peter Larsson

                    Peter Heggie
                    <Peter.Heggie@US.        To:
                    NGRID.COM>               cc:
                    Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:     MQ and Win2K load
balancing w/ COM+

                    2002-07-11 21:04
                    Please respond to
                    MQSeries List

Has anyone gotten application load-balancing to work in a Windows
COM+/Application Center world? I'm thinking of a request/reply scenario,
where the replytoqueuemanager name is filled in dynamically, but the
application could be swapped between two machines..

Its hard for me to get a handle on the concepts - once an application calls
a COM+ component which performs MQ calls, will the application stay
connected to the same component (which is waiting for a reply)? Or is there
a chance that load balancing will move the application to a different

It seems to me that an application that performs a  Put (request), then a
Get (reply) w/Wait, will be fine.. but an application that performs the
Gets at a later time (disconnects and then later connects) runs the risk of
being load balanced to a different machine than the one where the reply may
be waiting.

If this is true, then application design will make or break the
request/reply process..


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