Well, any answer from me on the first question would be pure speculation but
as far as sending in a DCR, I would encourage people impacted by this to
follow up with IBM.  We certainly are.

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris A. Dahl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: JMS Under non-Websphere app server

Is this a ploy or an oversight? I don't recall IBM saying anything about
dropping support for other app servers when we purchased MQ. Maybe if all
of us send in a DCR for the same change it will get noticed? I would be
happy to participate in any lobbying efforts.

For the record, we are also running Weblogic server.



                      "Wyatt, T. Rob"
                      <t.rob.wyatt@BANKOFA         To:
                      MERICA.COM>                  cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries            Subject: JMS Under
non-Websphere app server
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      08/13/02 09:04 AM
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Heads-up listers...

We have an application using Weblogic and running JMS.  When we upgraded to
the latest MA88 Support pack, the application broke with the following

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/ras/RASLogger
        at com.ibm.mq.jms.services.Trace.checkForTurnTracingOn(Compiled
        at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receive(Compiled Code)
com.bofasecurities.adpConduit.requestReply.ReplyThread.run(Compiled Code)

It turns out IBM added features specific to Websphere into their j521
release of JMS.  They recommended either switching to Websphere or going
back to the old version of MA88.  Their exact reply is pasted in below.
Just thought those of you running JMS under an app server would want a
heads-up on this issue before you upgraded MA88

-- T.Rob

======== From IBM Second-Level MQ Support
I believe that JMS is checking to see if it is running inside an
server.  It detects that it is and assumes it is Websphere (as this is the
only tested/supported environment). It checks to see if tracing has been
turned on, which needs websphere RASLogger class, and can't find the
class. This is because it is running in Weblogic. This functionality has
been added to ma88 j521.  We cannot support this running in Weblogic. All I
can suggest is that if j520 worked then stick with that level.

The customer could try raising a DCR for this problem but I'm not sure what
would happen.


I will include the DesignChangeRequest (DCR) form in case you are
in making a request to the developers to have the class added to MA88 or
some other way of addressing this problem.  If you are interested, please
complete the attached form and return it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we can
pass it along to the development team.

(See attached file: mqreq.txt)

Greg Bowman
MQSeries Level 2 Support - Distributed Platforms

===== Contents of mqreq.txt

Requirement Pro-Forma - MQREQ

MQSeries / MQSeries Integrator / MQSeries Workflow / MQSeries Family

Customer or account team:  Please complete the following form and email it
MQSeries or WebSphere MQ on distributed/ other MQ family
products..............  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. Customer name requesting the product enhancement  (i.e. Company name, or
Vendor, or Business Partner)

2. MQSeries product (All, MQ/MVS, MQ/400, MQ/NT, MQ/Unix, MQSeries
Integrator V2, MQSeries Workflow V3.2.2, etc.)

3. a) Person(s) to whom our response should be sent:

    -) Email Address:

    -) Name:

    -) Phone:

    b) and, Name and email addressof the IBM account rep, if known

4. Short Requirement Title (customer's choice, but IBM may edit it.)

5. What is the problem to be solved? (detailed description)

6. What is the suggested solution (if any)?

7. What is the impact of the problem?

8. What is the deadline for:

    (a) a  Response?   and

    (b) a Solution (if applicable)?

9. Other considerations, if any:

10. What is the PMR number (if any)?  (helpful for Level 2 tracking and
closure of PMR)

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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive

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