When receiving messages back from the CICS bridge, the following error is occurring on an hp 11.0 MQ 5.2 server when the receiving application is a client.  When a server app receives the replies, all is well.  Since "MQCICS" is one of the built-in formats, Im not sure what I'm missing here.  Any assistance is appreciated.  The client app is a java/AMI client running on Win2k.  We are not converting on the channel, but rather on the MQGET.   The hp and z/OS queue managers are connected via 10 pairs of cluster sender/cluster receiver channels.




08/13/02 18:31:45

AMQ6174: The library /var/mqm/exits//MQCICS_r was not found. The queue manager

will continue without this module.


The dynamically loadable file /var/mqm/exits//MQCICS_r was not found.


Check that the file exists and is either fully qualified or is in the

appropriate directory.


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