the short answer is yes, if you specify MQxMO_SYNCPOINT on your GET/PUT.
>From chapter 17 of the MQ Appl.Prog.Guide:

Syncpoints in IMS applications
In an IMS application, you establish a syncpoint by using IMS calls such as
GU(get unique) to the IOPCB and CHKP (checkpoint). To back out all changes
since the previous checkpoint, you can use the IMS ROLB (rollback) call. For
more information, see the following books:
- IMS/ESA Application Programming: Transaction Manager
- IMS/ESA Application Programming: Design Guide
The queue manager is a participant in a two-phase commit protocol; the IMS
syncpoint manager is the coordinator.
All open handles are closed by the IMS adapter at a syncpoint (except in a
batch-oriented BMP). This is because a different user could initiate the
next unit of work and MQSeries security checking is performed when the
MQCONN, MQCONNX, and MQOPEN calls are made, not when the MQPUT or MQGET
calls are made.
Handles are also closed after a ROLB call unless you are running IMS Version
3 or are running a batch-oriented BMP.
If an IMS application (either a BMP or an MPP) issues the MQDISC call, open
queues are closed but no implicit syncpoint is taken. If the application
closes down normally, any open queues are closed and an implicit commit
occurs. If the application closes down abnormally, any open queues are
closed and an implicit backout occurs.

Hope that helps,

>From: shailesh bhaskaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Does an IMS Checkpoint ensures an MQ message is commited?
>Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:53:10 -0700
>Hi! All,
>A simple question, Does an IMS checkpoint ensures an
>MQ message is commited. I have a BMP in which I am
>taking IMS checkpoint after inserting a record into
>DB2 database and putting the message into the queue.
>The checkpoint frequency is around 1 second and we
>have utility which after every 1 second checks to see
>if we are ready to take checkpoint.
>Few days back we got an error 2192 (Pageset Full) and
>the concern from System administrators was that an IMS
>checkpoint does not commit a MQ message.
>The process is simple, the BMP reads a GSAM file, does
>some processing with the record, inserts into a DB2
>table and puts the message to a queue and then checks
>if it is time to take a checkpoint, if yes it goes
>aheaad and takes the checkpoint.
>The queue is opened at the begining of the batch and
>queue is closed and queue manager is disconnected at
>the end of the batch, when we have no more records to
>Any reply will be highly appreciated.
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