Adding to what Rajkumar has suggested, Make sure that Output Node property "Destination Mode" under Advanced Tab is set to "Destination List", this will make OutputNode to put message on to a queue name present in "OutputDestinationList.Destination.MQDestinationList.DestinationData."
Also, make sure that the compute node in which following ESQL statements are written and any Compute node that follows this compute node is passing on Message as well as LocalEnvironment. This can be achieved by selecting "Compute Mode" property under Advanced tab of Compute node to "LocalEnvironment and Message" from drop-down list.
THBS India.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: MQSI Distribution Lists

Hi Newbold,
    There is a concept of DestinationList in MQSI which can be set in Compute Node to indicate where the output message should be routed.
For this, the property of Compute Node should be set to Destination and Message. Using ESQL determine the value in the message identifier
and based on that set the output queue information as
IF(InputBody.type = 'I010') THEN
    SET OutputDestinationList.Destination.MQDestinationList.DestinationData.queueName = 'A';
ELSE IF(InputBody.type = 'O150') THEN
    SET OutputDestinationList.Destination.MQDestinationList.DestinationData.queueName = 'B';
please check for the ESQL syntax . But this will solve the problem.
Rajkumar B
THBS, India
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Newbold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 6:54 AM
Subject: MQSI Distribution Lists

> We are trying to route messages in a message flow to one of about 60 output
> queues. The deciding factor of which queue to send the message to is a
> "message type" piece of data within the message payload. For example, the
> payload of a message might contain a message identifier of "I010" or "O150"
> or "I840", etc.
> "I010" messages would be directed to output queue "A"; "O150" messages to
> output queue "B"; etc.
> Using 60 different Filter nodes is out of the question, but we've never used
> a distribution list.  The documentation is a bit sparse in this area, so can
> anyone offer guidance on the proper methodolgy to use in routing these
> messages?
> Thanks for your help.
> Ed Newbold
> American Electric Power
> Columbus, OH
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