Based on some of the answers regarding the listener...

Does WebSphere MQ version 5.3 support inetd-based listeners like previous
versions?  If so, and if the administrator chooses to use the inetd way to
listen, it should be noted that the "runmqlsr" process will not be listed
in the process list and thus the port number will be controlled by the
/etc/services file.


At 04:42 PM 9/4/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>replies interspersed with questions (and are based on HPUX...)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Yeh, Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 1:16 PM
>Subject: New to AIX
>Hi Everyone,
>I am new to AIX and no knowledge about UNIX. (I am familiar to os/390 and
>NT.) Just got my user id and create a qmgr. I have several questions:
>1. How can I assign a specific port number to a qmgr?
>Start the listener like this: /usr/bin/runmqlsr -m qmgrname -t tcp -p 1415 &
>The 1415 is the port number
>2. How can I find whether channel and listner is running or not?
>Run the following command: ps -ef | grep -c 'runmqlsr -m qmgrname'
>3. Where is the error log files?
>4. Do I always have to use command prompt to manage MQ?
>Sure. We don't need no stinkin' GUI... Unless you manage remotely, which I
>haven't bothered with)
>5. If I use MQJExplorer, is it going to help? I saw the other message about
>this product. I guess I should try.
>Jeff Yeh
>EPS - Transaction and Messaging Technical Services
>Phone: 216-257-7342
>Pager:  800-632-9182
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>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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