Thanks Paul,
Will do it that way. I was thinking that at MQXR_TERM time I would have the
exitBuffer address with me so that I could free it off..anyway this looks to
be a solution. In my case the pointer would have to be reallocated for every
MQXR_MSG call because I would not know what was the message size for the
message coming in. So what I would do is with every MQXR_MSG call i will
reallocate the memory and the returned pointer i would store like you say
and in the next exit call, i can free that memory and reallocate again.

If there are no more messages and the MQXR_TERM is called i can check for
the memory already allocated and free the fellow.

Thanks Paul.
Kind Regards
Aby Philip
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Clarke
Sent: 9/5/02 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: Message exit length for alteration

>I also noticed that in the documentation there is a mention that the
>previous exitBuffer address is returned in the next invocation of the
>message exit, so I guess I can free the memory then...That should be
>fine...but in any case if there is something wrong with this
>if there is any other way ...that would be nice to know.

>Kind Regards
>Aby Philip


No this isn't really the right solution. You are not guaranteed to be
called again with MQXR_MSG and therefore this could leak.

Exits are always passed a Channel Exit Parameter structure containing a
byte field ExitUserArea. This field should be used to store a pointer to
any state information the exit may have. This is really true for all
The reason it is 16 bytes is that OS/400 has 16 byte pointers.

In your case the state information is the Exit buffer address. I would
recommend you allocate a structure for all your state information at
MQXR_INIT time. One of the fields in this structure would be a place for
you to store your exit buffer pointer if you've allocated one. Perhaps
might also want to store things like the length of the buffer etc. At
MQXR_TERM time you should look to see whether this buffer pointer has
set and if so free it and then free the state structure itself.

Hope this helps,

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

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