Somebody had mentioned this in a prior reply. Under normal OS390 CICS there
is no such thing as a HCONN. (CICS handles the connection to the MQSeries
manager and you access that through the CIC adapter) If you specify one in
the executing program it comes back zero valued as I believe you are seeing.
What I am questioning is first, is your program doing the MQOpen immed.
after the HCONN.(no interleaving code???) Second, what is the value in the
HCONN pointer at the point you are doing the call. If I remember correctly,
in earlier versions of MQ it didn't matter as it ignored the value but we
tested this in one of my teaching classes earlier this year and it failed.
So check the value at OPEN time. It may be corrupted. Third, I wonder if
there is a configuration in TX that you missed. In OS390 you have to define
the QMGR to the Transaction Subsystem (Rebecca can comment on this). If the
CONN is useless in TX as it is in OS390 CICS (and I would believe until
someone tells you this may be suspect TOO). Maybe the HCONN isn't getting a
valid value for you because it's running under CICS BUT the Transaction
System isn't connected to the MQSeries manager properly and that is the
cause of the 2018. Although I would suspect you would get a different error,
if not some configuration error in the TX System Lol to explain the problem.
I am sorry I cannot put my finger on your problem but I hope I gave you some

                                    bobbee soon to be out of boston

>From: Stefan Sievert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Return Code 2018
>Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 16:04:06 -0700
>with TXSeries for AIX, the queue manager must be defined as an XA resource
>to CICS. Might this be the cause for your trouble?
>>From: Stacy Rodwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Return Code 2018
>>Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 14:35:13 -0600
>>Here is more information on my problem.  Does anyone have any ideas?
>>I am running TXSeries 5.0 and MQ 5.2 fixpack 5 on AIX 5100-02.
>>I have an XA open connection between TXSeries and MQseries.
>>In an CICS applications code I code the following:
>>     CALL 'MQCONN'
>>              COMPLETION-CODE, REASON.
>>From which I get Zeros for the codes and the HCONN has been
>>filled in with information (I assume an address).  The next
>>step in the code is:
>>         GIVING OPTIONS.
>>         CALL 'MQOPEN'
>>                   OPTIONS, SET-HANDLE,
>>                   COMPLETION-CODE,  REASON.
>>The completion-code is 2 and the Reason code is 2018.  I
>>am not doing any steps between the connect and the open yet
>>the connection handle is invalid.  If I program this as a
>>non-CICS program it works fine.  The XA-open connection
>>seems to be fine but I cannot open any of the queues.  I have
>>opened up permissions for cics on the queues and queue manager
>>as well as included the group mqm in the cics userid.  It does
>>not appear to be a security or access problem.  It seems that
>>we are losing the connection handle address or it becomes
>>corrupt and unusable.  I need help as soon as possible with
>>this problem.
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