> If what you say is true, then IBM has to update its claim about
> retrieval.  No where in that claims does it make exceptions due to the
> physical network.  I would have thought that TCP/IP would reassemble the
> packets in their proper order regardless how they traversed the network.
> But, may IBM can clarify that.

I think this discussion is getting a little off base.

Certainly TCP/IP may have to deal with IP packets arriving out of sequence
because of different routes etc etc but TCP/IP guarantees to return bytes
to the user of the socket in the same order. All hell would break loose if
it didn't. Just imagine your average FTP or TelNet session. Besides MQ
checks the sequence number of each message it receives and if it gets one
in a different order than was sent if will complain, surely you've all seen
this error :-)

If you are getting messages in a different order then TCP/IP is not to

A more likely explanation is one of those listed in the manuals such as
DLQ, different persistence attributes, different priorities or multiple
routes etc etc. If you are certain it is not one of these then I would be
interested in a trace.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley  (although currently in Rochester,MN,USA)

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