A question from the sticks,

Within the MQSeries shutdown scripts on our AIX platform, which was
inherited, the following occurs.

An endmqm Quiesce of the qmanager is issued.
If not ended after waiting 60 seconds, a Kill of the endmqm is issued and an
endmqm Immediate is issued.
If not ended after waiting 60 seconds, a Kill of the endmqm is issued and an
endmqm Pre-emptive is issued.

The problem is that I've had to rebuild 2 Queue Managers on 2 different
boxes following an attempted shutdown and restart.  This was done because
upon restart the following message appeared:

Starting MQ Queue Manager....
Log not available.
AMQ7017: Log not available.

I verified that a log file was infact missing (circular logging used).

The common thing that I've noticed in all instances is that during the
shutdown all of the above steps were executed
(endmqm Quiesce, kill, endmqm Imediate, kill, and finally endmqm

The AIX Administrator has informed me that nobody deleted any files on these

Would killing the endmqm process and issuing another in this manor cause
this kind of behavior?  I'm guessing that this kind of action could cause
the logs to be damaged, but not deleted.

Thanks for any help,


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