Paul, All:

Please beleive me that my preference would be not to overheat this already pretty hot 
thread and just shut up and not to swim against the current. However I feel all those 
arguments basically calling to ignore the official Q guarantees of the message order 
under some specific (tangible and relatively easy verifiable) conditions can make a 
bad advice to a fresh new designer convincing him or her it is always the right and 
the best choice to follow the mentioned design recommendations or it is always 
possible to do so. I will try to summarize all those arguments as brief as I can and 
give a counter-arguments (I understand the arguments were perfectly legal for many 
cases, nevertheless I allow myself not to consider their 'pros' because it was already 
done so many times).

1) "DO NOT build a dependancy of message order into you application". Actually I am 
100% agree -- but!
a) if it is possible at all and
b) if it does not create significant disadvantages for the user's business.
Counterexample: Clearing House feed and similar. User can try to get into the 
arbitrary settlement at any moment of time and the processing engine must determine 
its validity based on the user account state. The result of the is the sequence of 
transaction confirmations or denials (let's call them records) with each record 
containing a transaction id, a boolean (confirmed/denied), and a timestamp. Please pay 
attention to the last one! The timestamp records the moment of time when the 
confirmation or denial user was issued! It is a significant part of the result, 
because, if it takes user too long to wait for the clearance of his or her deal, he 
can select another clearing house -- see 1.b) above. I think it is obvious for 
everyone that here we have an inherent order dependancy in the business logic.

2) "Use message segmentation or grouping". -- Back to the example above, it is 
apparent that there is no natural notion of "groups" in the example. We can try to 
introduce an artificial group such as "business day" etc. but it will adversely affect 
the requirement 1.b) above. User experience will be seriously affected, the clearing 
house won't be real-time anymore. What may be worse, the non-timestamp component of 
the result can change, namely a set of confirmed and denied deals in the business day. 
Possibly even more deals might be confirmed than in real-time engine, but they can 
easily be *different* deals and, because of that, we may expect, e.g. some 
legislations directly prohibiting such artificial grouping practice (I am sure some of 
you have met such conflicts in your practice).

3) "The point is not having a DLQ is generally bad for everybody. A simple application 
mistake could bring your channel down and therefore bring
everyone down". -- We discussed this several time. My points are:

a) The "simple application mistake" of this sort (usually it is passing through too 
long message or not having a proper handshakes on data streams) means that the 
application is not ready to production. The dot. Data must be checked and validated 
before hitting the transport. In case the applications are not at the same "trust 
domain" use different queues and channels for them (or even queue managers -- it is 
not necessary but sometimes gives additional advantages when users want to minimize 
the possible adverse effect of one application to another).

b) If a "simple application mistake" does occur, it is impossible to detect it ASAP 
and not to continue the processing (e.g. in financial organization continuing the 
processing after the "simple mistake" may expose it to serious financial and legal 
risks). Shutting down the channel can be not a bad choice to fire the drill. Using DLQ 
makes investigations much more difficult (even with all proper handlers in place) and 
some not-evident error can even sneak in unnoticed.

4) "..Use sequence number..". The sentence was never stated in enough details, so let 
me make it full before objecting to it. "You can use sequence number (together with 
some home-grown unique publisher identification if multiple publishers are allowed on 
the queue) and fully restore the message order on the application level if it is so 
precious for you". -- I agree, this is possible. TCP stack does it, at the first 
place! My point is that although this all is doable, it is not free from the following 
points of view:

a) It is not easy to write a really bullet-proof order restoring layer. Anyone who 
thinks it is not so is welcome to look into some good existing code (take the source 
for Linux TCP stack e.g.). As such it does not make sense to re-invent this not really 
simple general purpose wheel for each and every applications. Why IBM does not provide 
a re-usable code example? I dare to speculate -- because the real thing would too 
bulky and complicated to serve for the novice instruction purposes. But isn't giving 
the recommendation which is difficult to follow without the working example even worse?

b) It is difficulet to implement this feature usable in practice without configuration 
parameters (like time window, assembly pipeline length, maxumum buffer sizes etc). 
Again, see the TCP configuration parameters for a good example of what can be there. 
Application user would have to set the values for this parameters and they can 
interfere in a different unexpected way with TCP system wide parameters, badly 
degrading the performance (I had a bad experience of this kind with one my socket 
application which was simpler than MQ channel).

c) It is like destroying some invariant (message order) you can often (not always) get 
"for free" (satisfy the conditions which are not actually too restrictive). It creates 
a significant (really) perfomance penalty. I remember someone (Bobbee, I beleive) 
saying that several (order of 10) messages per second processed by the MQSeries on the 
mainframe is a normal performance. Maybe the home-grown message order restoring 
engines can be kept accountable, at least partially for such a low performance?

d) As a consequence of a) I can say: neglecting gurantees that MQ provides wrt 
preserving the message order leads to the more complex solution. So to me anyone who 
has to make a decision whether to use DLQ and restore message order in the 
applications or try to use MQ "embedded" order guarantee should be have a really good 
reason to select the 1st choice and select the 2nd choice by default, not the other 
way around.

Hopefully this memo will be useful for someone and not offensive. I apologize in 
advance for any potential misunderstanding.

                      Paul Clarke
                      <paulg_clarke@UK.        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      IBM.COM>                 cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: retrieve order

                      09/19/2002 09:34
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

>Hello All,

>My understanding is that TCP guarantees the order of bytes. For all and
every message and between messsages. As soon as a single >channel does not
open more than one simultaneous connections between same nodes -- which it
cannot do, if I am not mistaken.

>My understanding is that the "different routes" mentioned in documentation
are the different paths consisting of MQSeries >channels. For example, in a
cluster, you can easily end up with more than one possible path from one
Queue Manager to another. >Or, you can create more than one SENDER-RECEIVER
channel manually. In this case, when messages can select different
channels, >FIFO will be broken. The DLQ is another possible problem (that's
why I always advice against it, a opposite to the IBM's official

>It would be nice if Paul or someone else from IBM prove or disprove that.


I think I already explained this in my previous append on this subject but
let me confirm again.

1/ TCP/IP guarantees byte ordering so it doesn't matter what path the IP
packets take.
2/ In the rules; when IBM talks about multiple paths it is talking about
multiple MQ paths ie. multiple channels.
3/ I do agree that you can 'easily' end up with more than one path in an MQ
cluster but it shouldn't happen by accident - you would have to deine
multiple clusrcvrs or multiple aliases or multiple gateways.
4/ I agree the DLQ is a source for out of sequence, however, this should be
a rare occurence ie. queue full

Your point about DLQ is well taken but if people followed all of our advice
we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.
We advise that you DO NOT build a dependancy of message order into you
application in the first place.

It is very easy to write your code so that if you do need multiple messages
in a single 'business' message that the receiving application can deal with
them. Common approaches are :-

1/ Use message segmentation or grouping
2/ Use two queues - one for the primary message and one for all the
secondary pieces - use something like correl id to be a sequence number so
you can retrieve the messages off the secondary queue in the order you want
3/ Use a single queue but always do a GET(correlid=1) first. That message
tells you whether there are correlid=2,3,4 etc etc that you should now go

The point is not having a DLQ is generally bad for everybody. A simple
application mistake could bring your channel down and therefore bring
everyone down. If you have a DLQ then all other arguments are pointless -
your applications should be able to deal with out of order messages.

Hope this helps,

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

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