hey! -- we all deserve a second chance!

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:robertbroderick@;HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Any sites with many MQSeries servers?

Nice picture

Wasn't that the one from the post office?????


>From: "Gorse, Darry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Any sites with many MQSeries servers?
>Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:32:44 -0500
>Any relation to the guy in the picture, on this page.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hornby, Derek [mailto:DHornby@;EXCHANGE.ML.COM]
>Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:04 AM
>Subject: Re: Any sites with many MQSeries servers?
>I am an administrator at a site with approx 200 Queue Managers and approx
>150 MQ servers across 8 distinct MQ platforms,
>and we use QN-AppWatch from http://www.reconda.com to administer this
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hall, Scott [mailto:scott.hall@;CH.UNISYS.COM]
>Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 11:58 AM
>Subject: Any sites with many MQSeries servers?
>Do any the readers of this mail list have many MQ servers?
>(e.g., more than 50 queue managers on more than 50
>server/mainframe machines)
>If so, how do you manage the queue manager configurations?
>(e.g., home grown tools, tools from a S/W vendor, ...)
>Does anyone have any tools to help validate configurations?
>(i.e., see if they are probably correct before putting
>them into production usage)
>Thanks in advance.
>Scott Hall
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>the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
>Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive
>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
>the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
>Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive
>Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
>the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
>Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive

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Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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