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A customer that I have worked with has an MQ cluster that consists of two
HP-UX queue managers (app servers) and two Windows NT queue managers (MQSI
brokers), running MQ 5.2.  The  queue managers run continuously.  Recently
both NT queue managers started producing the above message in their Errors
logs (not at the same time, one started hours or days after the other)
...... an attempt to start this channel, the above message, and then a
channel abnormal termination message.  Currently one has a status of
'CURRENT | RETRYING' and the other has status ' CURRENT | NOT RUNNING'.
I am aware that this is the 'model' channel for Clussdr channel definitions
and is not used for message transmission.  I think that we should be able
to stop the channels to stop the generation of error messages and cannot
imagine that this would have any effect on the real cluster sender channels
which are operating correctly.
I have seen this error reported in a couple of forums but have not seen any
answers.  It does not appear in any of the NT CSD summaries.  I would be
interested to hear if anyone who has experienced the error discovered what
caused it.  Although the cluster appears to be functioning correctly the
presence of unexplained, seemingly illogical cluster-related error messages
is unsettling.


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