I tried what you suggested. Inside the script there is no return code being
returned at least not one I am trapping. I executed the followig code
suggested by someone on the LISTSERV:

               SYSTEM)"$Import $MessageFlowFile $DeleteOption $LabelOption $UUIDOption")
               $MyScalar = $?;
               print "\nReturn Code = $MyScalar";

The value printed is zero ('0') BUT....when I try it outside of PERL using
your suggestion I get a value:

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ Integrator 2.1\Tool>mqsiimportmsgflows.bat
c:\myfile.txt -d -l -u

file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/WebSphere MQ Integrator 2.1/Tool/Parser: 1, 0:
Invalid document structure.
BIP1018S: Unexpected exception in utility ImportMsgFlows; method
An exception was caught by the ImportMsgFlows utility in method
getMsgFlowsFromExportFile. The exception text is: java.lang.Null nt
operation will end.
Retry the operation if possible. If the exception still occurs, contact your
IBM support center.

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ Integrator 2.1\Tool>echo %ERRORLEVEL%

I do not know the difference between executing the 'SYSTEM' command inside
the script as opposed to executing the command from the command line and
using the "ERRORLEVEL" variable. I have a work around for the moment. I can
trap the output from the command and do a pattern match on the BIP\d+[SE]
character string. If I get a hit I know I have an eror.



I was just looking at a WEB site for the book "perl by EXAMPLE" this was a
statement about the $? and $! special variables. So maybe the "return Code"
point is mute!!

"You can't rely on these variables to check the status of pipes, back-quoted
strings, or the system() function when executing scripts under       the
Windows operating system. My recommendation is to capture the output of the
back-quoted string and check it directly for rror messages. Of course, the
command writes its errors to STDERR and then can't trap them, and you're out
of luck".

From: Pavel Tolkachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 18:02:14 -0500

Hello Bobbee,

Try to execute your command line from the command prompt and type in:

c:>echo %ERRORLEVEL%

right after for both successful and unsuccessful scenarios. This way you
will check if you command actually returns the error code you expect. Here
is a simple transcript to ensure you it actually must work as you expect:
-------cut here-----
 Volume in drive D is DBWKS
 Volume Serial Number is CC06-5992

 Directory of D:\

04/23/02  09:25a        <DIR>          downloads
03/14/02  05:49p        <DIR>          LJ974
10/15/02  08:54a        <DIR>          pkg
               3 File(s)              0 bytes
                          8,834,809,856 bytes free


D:\>dir aa
 Volume in drive D is DBWKS
 Volume Serial Number is CC06-5992

 Directory of D:\

File Not Found


D:\>perl -e "system('dir') and die 'error!!!'"
LJ974  RECYCLER  downloads  pkg

D:\>perl -e "system('dir aa') and die 'error!!!'"
dir: aa: No such file or directory
error!!! at -e line 1.

-------cut here-----

Hope this will help,

                      Robert Broderick
                      <robertbroderick@H        To:
                      OTMAIL.COM>               cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries         Subject:

                      11/01/2002 03:53
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

I am writing a PTP (Promote to Production) function using PERL for NT to
execute the IC01 SupportPack Import, Assign and Deploy functions. So far so
good. It does what it is supposed to do, in good times. In bad times I am
tryig to trap the execution error with the following:

system ("$Import $MessageFlowFile $DeleteOption $LabelOption $UUIDOption")
and die("\n\nCommand executed with errors\n\n");

I am handing the MQSI import function a bogus XML file. I see the errors
comming out BUT...the 'die' isn't catching. Is there another way of
the error outputted by the function so I can interrogate it?? OR maybe the
function isn't setting the return code at all!!!!


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