Yes, it is 5.1  (It just came out the beginning of the year).  There is also a CSD for 5.1.
Make sure you install this before you try to install/use MQSeries  (I believe part of the
CSD are corrections to the Install process)

Bob Kasischke< BR>Integration Products and Services - Enterprise Middleware Services
A.G. Edwards Information Technology  Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Emile Kearns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 2:24 AM
Subject: Latest version Compaq NSK

Hi Guys,


I have a client running NT on a Compaq NSK machine and what I would like to know is what the latest MQSeries version for the platform is.

I seem to get 5.1 when I do my search, is this correct?




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