Just have small test whether somebody is using that file just try to rename that or try to copy that to some other location if u r getting same kind of errors saying that file is in use then its not the problem with the CSD u muight have enabled the autostart of MQSeries and MQSereis is using those files. Please check whether MQSeries is running or not iof it is then stop all the MQSeries services then try to apply that.


~Jaya Prakash Reddy.


 Matt Gurney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am having a problem attempting to apply CSD3 to MQSeries W2K 5.2.1.  I am getting a file in use error on amqxcs2.dll.  I have had similar problems in the past, with other CSD's  which I have always been able to circumvent by:

1) switching the MQSeries startup to manual
2) rebooting
3) apply CSD - knowing that no MQSeries files should be in use because MQSeries has not run since the server has been rebooted

However my normal method is not working.

Does anyone have any ideas, or any information on what might be using amqxcs2.dll.

Thanks in advance,
Matt Gurney

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