We have an application group that is trying to build an MQSeries
Publish/Subscribe application, using JMS as the front-end.
Publish/Subscribe is something new for our company and I [MQSeries
support/administration technician] am unfamiliar[though learning] with the
whole Java/JMS interface.
The application program [attached below] is, I'm being told, basically an
IBM sample program.  The developer is right now just trying to get
something to work, which has been a struggle.
Her ultimate goal is to [Java/JMS defines attached below]:
+ using normal queue connection factories and queue definitions, put a
message on a queue [which is
+ using topic connnection factories and topic definitions, publish the
contents of that message [which
   seems to be working];
+ using topic connnection factories and topic definitions, subscribe to
that and retrieve that message
   [which does not appear to be working].

+ Solaris machine running the user [JMS] application and the following
   - MQ Client 5.2.05
   - MQ MA88 5.2.05
+ Solaris machine set up with an MQSeries QManager and the MQ MA0C PubSub
Support Pack
   - MQ Server 5.1.07 [Understanding this is an unsupported product -
Upgrade scheduled]
   - MQ MA0C [July 2002]

Current Issue
In reviewing some queues that were previously defined and some that appear
to have been dynamically created, it appears that the Publish has completed
successfully.  However, in reviewing the SYSTEM.JMS.REPORT.QUEUE, I found a
message that indicates the 'RegSub' function is failing [see attached file
for sample] with, MSPSComp=2, MQPSReason=3076, and MQPSerrorid=2085.  The
queue it appears to be unable to find is; SYSTEM.JMS.ND.2002121619391544.
Though that queue does not exist, there are others similarly name;
SYSTEM.JMS.ND.2002........ .

Any input on what I am missing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in

Software code
(See attached file:
View of the error message
(See attached file: JMS_PubSub.gif)

Input  to  Java/JMS administration program
(See attached file: JNDISetup)

Dan Jones

Systems Consultant
ING AMERICAS - Technology Management Office

IA3  - Integrated  Americas  Adaptive  Architecture

Description: Binary data

<<attachment: JMS_PubSub.gif>>

Attachment: JNDISetup
Description: Binary data

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