Hi all,

I got some problem in writing MQseries client application.
Let me explain what i have done.

IBM Mqseries server is running on windows 2000 machine.
Mqseries client application is running on Open VMS.

I tried to connect with Mqserver from VMS thru the sample program given by
( u can find /tool/c/samples/amqsput0.c)

I compiled & linked this file,

Ctrl +Z

AMQSPUT0.exe is created

I set the environment variable
$Define MQSERVER  "S_tcp/TCP/"

in the program AMQSPUT0.c I hardcoded the QM_NAME and Q_name  instead of
passing to command line argument


I got the following error

$ run amqsput0
MQCONN ended with reason code 2059

When I execute this program in windows2000 system I am able to connect to
the Queue and post and get messages

Can any one tell me where I am making mistake?


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