
Are you connecting something other than an MQ channel to your listener
process? It's coming from host '' and the data it's sending is:
0700636F  6E6E6563  74              ..connect


Morag Hughson
WebSphere MQ for z/OS Development

                      "Dave, Anish
                      (Cognizant)"             To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:
                      ZANT.COM>                Subject:  Error - AMQ6183
                      Sent by: MQSeries

                      08/01/2003 05:24
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

I am getting this error and my program is getting terminated.
Can anyone tell me what could be the reason and the corrosponsing soultion.
Thanks in advance.
Here are the details that i got in the /var/mqm/errors/AMQERR001.LOG

01/07/03  07:38:41
AMQ6183: An internal MQSeries error has occurred.

An error has been detected, and the MQSeries error recording routine has
called. The failing process is process 195846.
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM
center.  Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.


01/07/03  07:39:47
AMQ6183: An internal MQSeries error has occurred.

An error has been detected, and the MQSeries error recording routine has
called. The failing process is process 195846.
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM
center.  Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.


The corrosponding details from FDC file is

| MQSeries First Failure Symptom Report
| =====================================
| Date/Time         :- Tuesday January 07 07:37:21 CST 2003
| Host Name         :- hub (AIX 4.3)
| PIDS              :- 5765B73
| LVLS              :- 520
| Product Long Name :- MQSeries for AIX
| Vendor            :- IBM
| Probe Id          :- CO052000
| Application Name  :- MQM
| Component         :- cciTcpReceive
| Build Date        :- Nov  7 2000
| CMVC level        :- p000-L001106
| Build Type        :- IKAP - (Production)
| UserID            :- 00000007 (eadev)
| Program Name      :- runmqlsr_nd
| Process           :- 00195846
| Thread            :- 00008345
| Major Errorcode   :- rrcE_BAD_DATA_RECEIVED
| Minor Errorcode   :- OK
| Probe Type        :- MSGAMQ9207
| Probe Severity    :- 2
| Probe Description :- AMQ9207: The data received from host ''
is |
|   not valid.
| Comment1          :-
| Comment2          :- TCP/IP
| Comment3          :-


MQM Function Stack

MQM Trace History
{ xppInitialiseDestructorRegistrations
} xppInitialiseDestructorRegistrations rc=OK
{ xcsInitialize
-{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
-} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
-} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
} xcsInitialize rc=OK
{ cccGetMem
-{ xcsGetMem
-} xcsGetMem rc=OK
} cccGetMem rc=OK
{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ ccxResponder
-{ ccxNetWorkInit
--{ ccxParseIni
--} ccxParseIni rc=OK
--{ cciLoadLibrary
---{ cccGetMem
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
---} cccGetMem rc=OK
---{ xcsLoadFunction
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
---} xcsLoadFunction rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
--} cciLoadLibrary rc=OK
--{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
--} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
--{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
--} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-} ccxNetWorkInit rc=OK
-{ ccxAcceptConv
--{ cciTcpAcceptConv
---{ ioctl
---} ioctl rc=OK
--} cciTcpAcceptConv rc=OK
-} ccxAcceptConv rc=OK
-{ rrxResponder
--{ cccGetConfig
--} cccGetConfig rc=OK
--{ rriAcceptSess
---{ cccGetMem
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
---} cccGetMem rc=OK
---{ ccxSetTimeOut
---} ccxSetTimeOut rc=OK
---{ ccxReceive
----{ cciTcpReceive
-----{ ccxAllocMem
------{ cccGetMem
-------{ xcsGetMem
-------} xcsGetMem rc=OK
------} cccGetMem rc=OK
-----} ccxAllocMem rc=OK
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(2)
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(FFFF)
-----{ select
------{ xcsSelect
------} xcsSelect rc=Unknown(1)
-----} select rc=Unknown(1)
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(7)
-----{ xcsSleep
-----} xcsSleep rc=OK
-----{ ioctl
-----} ioctl rc=OK
-----{ gethostbyaddr
------{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
------} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
------{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
------} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-----} gethostbyaddr rc=Unknown(1)
-----{ rrxError
-----} rrxError rc=OK
-----{ xcsBuildDumpPtr
------{ xcsGetMem
------} xcsGetMem rc=OK
-----} xcsBuildDumpPtr rc=OK
-----{ xcsFFST

Dump of Transmission Segment Header
2016f220             0700636F  6E6E6563  74              ..connect

Process Control Block
f07d0e30                       58494850  00000648            XIHP...H
f07d0e40   0002FD06  00002099  200096A8  200FEC88    ..}... . ..( .l.
f07d0e50   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e60   00000000  00000001  00000000  00000006    ................
f07d0e70   00000000  00000005  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e80   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e90   00000001  72756E6D  716C7372  5F6E6400    ....runmqlsr_nd.
f07d0ea0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0eb0 to f07d1320 suppressed, 72 lines same as above
f07d1330   00000000  00000000  00000000  0034FFFF    .............4
f07d1340   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001    ................
f07d1350   00000000  00000000  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1360   00000000  00000100  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1370   00000000  00000100  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1380   00000000  00000000  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1390   00000000  00000100  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d13a0   00000000  00000100  00000000  00000001    ................
f07d13b0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d13c0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d13d0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d13e0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d13f0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d1400   00000048  00000002  20010988  00000000    ...H.... .......
f07d1410   00000001  2000A888  00000000  00000000    .... .(.........
f07d1420   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000004    ................
f07d1430   00000000  00000000  00000002  00000000    ................
f07d1440   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1450   00000001  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1460   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1470   00000000  00000000  20009658  00000000    ........ ..X....

Common Services Control Block
2000fd10                       58494820  00000A00            XIH ....
2000fd20   00000001  0000000F  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd30   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd40   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd50   00000000  10000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd60   00000000  00000000  00000000  20000000    ............ ...
2000fd70   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fd80   00000000  30000000  00000000  00000000    ....0...........
2000fd90   00000001  00000000  00000000  40000000    ............@...
2000fda0   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fdb0   00000000  50000000  00000000  00000000    ....P...........
2000fdc0   00000002  00000000  00000000  60000000    ............`...
2000fdd0   00000000  00000000  00000003  70000058    ............p..X
2000fde0   0000003A  70000000  70000050  00000001    ...:p...p..P....
2000fdf0   00000003  8000005C  001C008D  80000000    .......\........
2000fe00   80000054  00000007  00000001  00000000    ...T............
2000fe10   00000000  90000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fe20   00000001  00000000  00000000  A0000000    ............ ...
2000fe30   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fe40   00000000  B0000000  00000000  00000000    ....0...........
2000fe50   00000001  00000000  00000000  C0000000    ............@...
2000fe60   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fe70   00000000  D0000000  00000000  00000000    ....P...........
2000fe80   00000000  00000000  00000000  E0000000    ............`...
2000fe90   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fea0   00000000  F0000000  00000000  00000000    ....p...........
2000feb0   20010728  20085CF8  65616465  76002100     ..( .\xeadev.!.
2000fec0   000000D6  00000333  00000000  00000000    ...V...3........
2000fed0   20062388  70000050  0016007C  2F766172     .#.p..P...|/var
2000fee0   2F6D716D  00000000  00000000  00000000    /mqm............
2000fef0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000ff00 to 200106e0 suppressed, 127 lines same as above
200106f0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001    ................
20010700   4E4C5F54  4F5F4C46  00000000  00000000    NL_TO_LF........
20010710   00000000  20062388                        .... .#.

Thread Control Block
200fec80                       58494854  00001248            XIHT...H
200fec90   00002099  00000000  2008DE58  00000000    .. ..... .^X....
200feca0   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000001    ................
200fecb0   00000001  00000001  00000001  00000001    ................
200fecc0   00000000  F7B87877  7FFFFFBF  D495A9B8    ....w8xw.  ?T.)8
200fecd0   202838A0  F07D06F4  F07C99E4  20283D48     (8 p}.tp|.d (=H
200fece0   202839D7  00000005  00000002  00000000     (9W............
200fecf0   00000005  0000F000  202839D8  000011D0    ......p. (9X...P
200fed00   202839B4  F07D0E38  00000003  200FEC88     (94p}.8.... .l.
200fed10   0000F000  20283B88  200FEC88  000011D0    ..p. (;. .l....P
200fed20   200FEC88  44424424  00000000  00010020     .l.DBD$.......
200fed30   000000DB  00000204  00000000  00000000    ...[............
200fed40   00000000  20093960  000000F0  2008DDD0    .... .9`...p .]P
200fed50   00000080  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fed60   00000000  200937A0  00000090  00000000    .... .7 ........
200fed70   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fed80   00000000  200939C0  00000090  00000000    .... .9@........
200fed90   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200feda0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fedb0   00000000  00000000  00000000  20283900    ............ (9.
200fedc0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fedd0 to 200ff6d0 suppressed, 145 lines same as above
200ff6e0   00000000  00000000  FFFFFFFF  00000001    ........    ....
200ff6f0   00000000  00000001  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff700   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff710   00000000  0000074D  00000000  00000000    .......M........
200ff720   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff730   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff740   00000000  00000000  F7B87877  7FFFFFBF    ........w8xw.  ?
200ff750   00000001  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff760   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff770 to 200ff7d0 suppressed, 7 lines same as above
200ff7f0 to 200ff810 suppressed, 3 lines same as above
200ff820   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff830 to 200ff960 suppressed, 20 lines same as above
200ff970   00000000  00000000  00000000  F0002013    ............p. .
200ff980   F000500A  F000501F  F0002008  F0002034    p.P.p.P.p. .p. 4
200ff990   F0005C03  F0005C15  F0005C17  F0005C17    p.\.p.\.p.\.p.\.
200ff9a0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff9b0 to 200ffa30 suppressed, 9 lines same as above
200ffa40   00000000  F0005D04  00005D04  F0005C01    ....p.]...].p.\.
200ffa50   F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4    p.`3..`3p.`4..`4
200ffa60   00005C01  F000518F  F0005C05  00005C05    ..\.p.Q.p.\...\.
200ffa70   0000518F  F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4    ..Q.p.`3..`3p.`4
200ffa80   000060B4  F0002013  F0002011  F0002061    ..`4p. .p. .p. a
200ffa90   00002061  F0002064  F000518F  F0005C05    .. ap. dp.Q.p.\.
200ffaa0   00005C05  0000518F  F00060B0  F0005C05    ..\...Q.p.`0p.\.
200ffab0   00005C05  F0005D59  00005D59  000060B0    ..\.p.]Y..]Y..`0
200ffac0   F00060E7  000060E7  F00060E7  000060E7    p.`g..`gp.`g..`g
200ffad0 to 200ffb20 suppressed, 6 lines same as above
200ffb30   00002064  F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4    .. dp.`3..`3p.`4
200ffb40   000060B4  00002011  F0002004  F0002031    ..`4.. .p. .p. 1
200ffb50   F00020AF  000020AF  00002031  00002004    p. /.. /.. 1.. .
200ffb60   F000500A  F0005048  00005048  F000501F    p.P.p.PH..PHp.P.
200ffb70   F000518F  F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F    p.Q.p.\...\...Q.
200ffb80   F00020A4  000020A4  F0002008  F0002034    p. $.. $p. .p. 4
200ffb90   F0002000  F000518F  F0005C05  00005C05    p. .p.Q.p.\...\.
200ffba0   0000518F  00002000  F00020B0  000220B0    ..Q... .p. 0.. 0
200ffbb0   F00020B0  FFFF20B0  F00020B1  F0005D2A    p. 0   0p. 1p.]*
200ffbc0   00015D2A  000120B1  F00020B0  000720B0    ..]*.. 1p. 0.. 0
200ffbd0   F0005C14  00005C14  F00020AF  000020AF    p.\...\.p. /.. /
200ffbe0   F00020B2  F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4    p. 2p.`3..`3p.`4
200ffbf0   000060B4  000120B2  F000502B  0000502B    ..`4.. 2p.P+..P+
200ffc00   F0005C02  F0005C05  00005C05  00005C02    p.\.p.\...\...\.
200ffc10   F0005C03  F00060B3  000060B3  F0005C16    p.\.p.`3..`3p.\.
200ffc20   F0005C05  00005C05  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    p.\...\.p.\Lp.\+
200ffc30   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffc40   F0005C73  F00060F6  000060F6  00005C73    p.\sp.`v..`v..\s
200ffc50   F00060B3  000060B3  F0005D59  00005D59    p.`3..`3p.]Y..]Y
200ffc60   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffc70   00005C17  00005C4C  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    ..\...\Lp.\Lp.\+
200ffc80   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffc90   F00060B4  000060B4  F0005C06  00005C06    p.`4..`4p.\...\.
200ffca0   00005C16  F0005C16  F0005C05  00005C05    ..\.p.\.p.\...\.
200ffcb0   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffcc0   00005C17  00005C4C  F0005C73  F00060F6    ..\...\Lp.\sp.`v
200ffcd0   000060F6  00005C73  F00060B3  000060B3    ..`v..\sp.`3..`3
200ffce0   F0005D59  00005D59  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    p.]Y..]Yp.\Lp.\+
200ffcf0   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffd00   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffd10   00005C17  00005C4C  F00060B4  000060B4    ..\...\Lp.`4..`4
200ffd20   F0005C06  00005C06  00005C16  F0005C4C    p.\...\...\.p.\L
200ffd30   F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17    p.\+..\+p.\...\.
200ffd40   00005C4C  F00060F6  000060F6  F0005C13    ..\Lp.`v..`vp.\.
200ffd50   00005C13  F0005C13  00005C13  F0005C02    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffd60   00005C02  F0005C02  00005C02  F0005C02    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffd70   00005C02  F0005C15  00005C15  F0005C15    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffd80   00005C15  F0005C15  00005C15  F0005C15    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffd90   00005C15  00000000  00000000  00000000    ..\.............
200ffda0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ffdb0 to 200ffe20 suppressed, 8 lines same as above
200ffe30   00000000  000000D4  0000001A  00000000    .......T........
200ffe40   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ffe50   00000000  00000000                        ........


| MQSeries First Failure Symptom Report
| =====================================
| Date/Time         :- Tuesday January 07 07:38:06 CST 2003
| Host Name         :- hub (AIX 4.3)
| PIDS              :- 5765B73
| LVLS              :- 520
| Product Long Name :- MQSeries for AIX
| Vendor            :- IBM
| Probe Id          :- CO052000
| Application Name  :- MQM
| Component         :- cciTcpReceive
| Build Date        :- Nov  7 2000
| CMVC level        :- p000-L001106
| Build Type        :- IKAP - (Production)
| UserID            :- 00000007 (eadev)
| Program Name      :- runmqlsr_nd
| Process           :- 00195846
| Thread            :- 00008346
| Major Errorcode   :- rrcE_BAD_DATA_RECEIVED
| Minor Errorcode   :- OK
| Probe Type        :- MSGAMQ9207
| Probe Severity    :- 2
| Probe Description :- AMQ9207: The data received from host ''
is |
|   not valid.
| Comment1          :-
| Comment2          :- TCP/IP
| Comment3          :-


MQM Function Stack

MQM Trace History
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
---{ xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
----} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
----} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
--} rrxReportError rc=OK
--{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
--} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
--{ rrxError
--} rrxError rc=OK
--{ rrxError
--} rrxError rc=OK
--{ rrxReportError
---{ xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
---{ xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
----} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
----} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
--} rrxReportError rc=OK
--{ rriReleaseQMResources
---{ rrxReleaseStatusTable
---} rrxReleaseStatusTable rc=OK
--} rriReleaseQMResources rc=OK
-} rrxResponder rc=rrcE_RESPONDER_NOT_STARTED
} ccxResponder rc=rrcE_RESPONDER_NOT_STARTED
{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ cccFreeMem
-{ xcsFreeMem
-} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
} cccFreeMem rc=OK
{ xcsTerminate
-{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
-} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-{ xppRunDestructors
--{ xstThreadDestructor
---{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
---} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
---{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
---} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
--} xstThreadDestructor rc=OK
-} xppRunDestructors rc=OK
-{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
-} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
} xcsTerminate rc=OK
{ xppCleanupDestructorRegistrations
} xppCleanupDestructorRegistrations rc=OK
{ xppInitialiseDestructorRegistrations
} xppInitialiseDestructorRegistrations rc=OK
{ xcsInitialize
-{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
-} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
-} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
} xcsInitialize rc=OK
{ cccGetMem
-{ xcsGetMem
-} xcsGetMem rc=OK
} cccGetMem rc=OK
{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ ccxResponder
-{ ccxNetWorkInit
--{ ccxParseIni
--} ccxParseIni rc=OK
--{ cciLoadLibrary
---{ cccGetMem
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
---} cccGetMem rc=OK
---{ xcsLoadFunction
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
---} xcsLoadFunction rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
--} cciLoadLibrary rc=OK
--{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
--} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
--{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
--} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-} ccxNetWorkInit rc=OK
-{ ccxAcceptConv
--{ cciTcpAcceptConv
---{ ioctl
---} ioctl rc=OK
--} cciTcpAcceptConv rc=OK
-} ccxAcceptConv rc=OK
-{ rrxResponder
--{ cccGetConfig
--} cccGetConfig rc=OK
--{ rriAcceptSess
---{ cccGetMem
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
---} cccGetMem rc=OK
---{ ccxSetTimeOut
---} ccxSetTimeOut rc=OK
---{ ccxReceive
----{ cciTcpReceive
-----{ ccxAllocMem
------{ cccGetMem
-------{ xcsGetMem
-------} xcsGetMem rc=OK
------} cccGetMem rc=OK
-----} ccxAllocMem rc=OK
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(2)
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(FFFF)
-----{ select
------{ xcsSelect
------} xcsSelect rc=Unknown(1)
-----} select rc=Unknown(1)
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(7)
-----{ xcsSleep
-----} xcsSleep rc=OK
-----{ ioctl
-----} ioctl rc=OK
-----{ gethostbyaddr
------{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
------} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
------{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
------} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-----} gethostbyaddr rc=Unknown(1)
-----{ rrxError
-----} rrxError rc=OK
-----{ xcsBuildDumpPtr
------{ xcsGetMem
------} xcsGetMem rc=OK
-----} xcsBuildDumpPtr rc=OK
-----{ xcsFFST

Dump of Transmission Segment Header
2016f220             0700636F  6E6E6563  74              ..connect

Process Control Block
f07d0e30                       58494850  00000648            XIHP...H
f07d0e40   0002FD06  0000209A  200096A8  200FEC88    ..}... . ..( .l.
f07d0e50   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e60   00000000  00000001  00000000  00000006    ................
f07d0e70   00000000  00000005  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e80   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e90   00000001  72756E6D  716C7372  5F6E6400    ....runmqlsr_nd.
f07d0ea0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0eb0 to f07d1320 suppressed, 72 lines same as above
f07d1330   00000000  00000000  00000000  0034FFFF    .............4
f07d1340   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001    ................
f07d1350   00000000  00000000  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1360   00000000  00000100  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1370   00000000  00000100  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1380   00000000  00000000  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1390   00000000  00000100  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d13a0   00000000  00000100  00000000  00000001    ................
f07d13b0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d13c0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d13d0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d13e0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d13f0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d1400   00000048  00000002  20010988  00000000    ...H.... .......
f07d1410   00000001  2000A888  00000000  00000000    .... .(.........
f07d1420   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000004    ................
f07d1430   00000000  00000000  00000002  00000000    ................
f07d1440   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1450   00000001  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1460   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1470   00000000  00000000  20009658  00000000    ........ ..X....

Common Services Control Block
2000fd10                       58494820  00000A00            XIH ....
2000fd20   00000001  0000000F  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd30   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd40   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd50   00000000  10000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd60   00000000  00000000  00000000  20000000    ............ ...
2000fd70   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fd80   00000000  30000000  00000000  00000000    ....0...........
2000fd90   00000001  00000000  00000000  40000000    ............@...
2000fda0   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fdb0   00000000  50000000  00000000  00000000    ....P...........
2000fdc0   00000002  00000000  00000000  60000000    ............`...
2000fdd0   00000000  00000000  00000003  70000058    ............p..X
2000fde0   0000003A  70000000  70000050  00000001    ...:p...p..P....
2000fdf0   00000003  8000005C  001C008D  80000000    .......\........
2000fe00   80000054  00000007  00000001  00000000    ...T............
2000fe10   00000000  90000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fe20   00000001  00000000  00000000  A0000000    ............ ...
2000fe30   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fe40   00000000  B0000000  00000000  00000000    ....0...........
2000fe50   00000001  00000000  00000000  C0000000    ............@...
2000fe60   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fe70   00000000  D0000000  00000000  00000000    ....P...........
2000fe80   00000000  00000000  00000000  E0000000    ............`...
2000fe90   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fea0   00000000  F0000000  00000000  00000000    ....p...........
2000feb0   20010728  20085CF8  65616465  76002100     ..( .\xeadev.!.
2000fec0   000000D6  00000333  00000000  00000000    ...V...3........
2000fed0   20062388  70000050  0016007C  2F766172     .#.p..P...|/var
2000fee0   2F6D716D  00000000  00000000  00000000    /mqm............
2000fef0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000ff00 to 200106e0 suppressed, 127 lines same as above
200106f0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001    ................
20010700   4E4C5F54  4F5F4C46  00000000  00000000    NL_TO_LF........
20010710   00000000  20062388                        .... .#.

Thread Control Block
200fec80                       58494854  00001248            XIHT...H
200fec90   0000209A  00000000  2008DE58  00000000    .. ..... .^X....
200feca0   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000001    ................
200fecb0   00000001  00000001  00000001  00000001    ................
200fecc0   00000000  F7B87877  7FFFFFBF  D495A9B8    ....w8xw.  ?T.)8
200fecd0   202838A0  F07D06F4  F07C99E4  20283D48     (8 p}.tp|.d (=H
200fece0   202839D7  00000005  00000002  00000000     (9W............
200fecf0   00000005  0000F000  202839D8  000011D0    ......p. (9X...P
200fed00   202839B4  F07D0E38  00000003  200FEC88     (94p}.8.... .l.
200fed10   0000F000  20283B88  200FEC88  000011D0    ..p. (;. .l....P
200fed20   200FEC88  44424424  00000000  00010020     .l.DBD$.......
200fed30   000000DB  00000204  00000000  00000000    ...[............
200fed40   00000000  20093960  000000F0  2008DDD0    .... .9`...p .]P
200fed50   00000080  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fed60   00000000  200937A0  00000090  00000000    .... .7 ........
200fed70   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fed80   00000000  200939C0  00000090  00000000    .... .9@........
200fed90   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200feda0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fedb0   00000000  00000000  00000000  20283900    ............ (9.
200fedc0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fedd0 to 200ff6d0 suppressed, 145 lines same as above
200ff6e0   00000000  00000000  FFFFFFFF  00000001    ........    ....
200ff6f0   00000000  00000001  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff700   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff710   00000000  0000074D  00000000  00000000    .......M........
200ff720   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff730   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff740   00000000  00000000  F7B87877  7FFFFFBF    ........w8xw.  ?
200ff750   00000001  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff760   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff770 to 200ff7d0 suppressed, 7 lines same as above
200ff7f0 to 200ff810 suppressed, 3 lines same as above
200ff820   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff830 to 200ff960 suppressed, 20 lines same as above
200ff970   00000000  00000000  00000000  F0002013    ............p. .
200ff980   F000500A  F000501F  F0002008  F0002034    p.P.p.P.p. .p. 4
200ff990   F0005C03  F0005C15  F0005C17  F0005C17    p.\.p.\.p.\.p.\.
200ff9a0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff9b0 to 200ffa30 suppressed, 9 lines same as above
200ffa40   00000000  FFFF20B0  F00020B1  F0005D2A    ....   0p. 1p.]*
200ffa50   00015D2A  000120B1  F00020B0  000720B0    ..]*.. 1p. 0.. 0
200ffa60   F0005C14  00005C14  F00020AF  000020AF    p.\...\.p. /.. /
200ffa70   F00020B2  F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4    p. 2p.`3..`3p.`4
200ffa80   000060B4  000120B2  F000502B  0000502B    ..`4.. 2p.P+..P+
200ffa90   F0005C02  F0005C05  00005C05  00005C02    p.\.p.\...\...\.
200ffaa0   F0005C03  F00060B3  000060B3  F0005C16    p.\.p.`3..`3p.\.
200ffab0   F0005C05  00005C05  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    p.\...\.p.\Lp.\+
200ffac0   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffad0   F0005C73  F00060F6  000060F6  00005C73    p.\sp.`v..`v..\s
200ffae0   F00060B3  000060B3  F0005D59  00005D59    p.`3..`3p.]Y..]Y
200ffaf0   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffb00   00005C17  00005C4C  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    ..\...\Lp.\Lp.\+
200ffb10   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffb20   F00060B4  000060B4  F0005C06  00005C06    p.`4..`4p.\...\.
200ffb30   00005C16  F0005C16  F0005C05  00005C05    ..\.p.\.p.\...\.
200ffb40   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffb50   00005C17  00005C4C  F0005C73  F00060F6    ..\...\Lp.\sp.`v
200ffb60   000060F6  00005C73  F00060B3  000060B3    ..`v..\sp.`3..`3
200ffb70   F0005D59  00005D59  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    p.]Y..]Yp.\Lp.\+
200ffb80   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffb90   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffba0   00005C17  00005C4C  F00060B4  000060B4    ..\...\Lp.`4..`4
200ffbb0   F0005C06  00005C06  00005C16  F0005C4C    p.\...\...\.p.\L
200ffbc0   F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17    p.\+..\+p.\...\.
200ffbd0   00005C4C  F00060F6  000060F6  F0005C13    ..\Lp.`v..`vp.\.
200ffbe0   00005C13  F0005C13  00005C13  F0005C02    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffbf0   00005C02  F0005C02  00005C02  F0005C02    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffc00   00005C02  F0005C15  00005C15  F0005C15    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffc10   00005C15  F0005C15  00005C15  F0005C15    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffc20   00005C15  00005C17  00005C4C  F00060B4    ..\...\...\Lp.`4
200ffc30   000060B4  F0005C06  00005C06  00005C16    ..`4p.\...\...\.
200ffc40   0000502A  F000503D  F000500B  0000500B    ..P*p.P=p.P...P.
200ffc50   0000503D  9228500A  92282013  F00060B3    ..P=.(P..( .p.`3
200ffc60   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  F0005190    ..`3p.`4..`4p.Q.
200ffc70   F0005C06  00005C06  00005190  F0005C00    p.\...\...Q.p.\.
200ffc80   F00060B3  000060B3  F0005D1C  F0005D25    p.`3..`3p.].p.]%
200ffc90   F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4    p.`3..`3p.`4..`4
200ffca0   00005D25  00005D1C  F00060B4  000060B4    ..]%..].p.`4..`4
200ffcb0   00005C00  F0005D05  00005D05  F0005D04    ..\.p.]...].p.].
200ffcc0   00005D04  F0005C01  F00060B3  000060B3    ..].p.\.p.`3..`3
200ffcd0   F00060B4  000060B4  00005C01  F000518F    p.`4..`4..\.p.Q.
200ffce0   F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F  F00060B3    p.\...\...Q.p.`3
200ffcf0   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  F0002013    ..`3p.`4..`4p. .
200ffd00   F0002011  F0002061  00002061  F0002064    p. .p. a.. ap. d
200ffd10   F000518F  F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F    p.Q.p.\...\...Q.
200ffd20   F00060B0  F0005C05  00005C05  F0005D59    p.`0p.\...\.p.]Y
200ffd30   00005D59  000060B0  F00060E7  000060E7    ..]Y..`0p.`g..`g
200ffd40   F00060E7  000060E7  F00060E7  000060E7    p.`g..`gp.`g..`g
200ffd50 to 200ffd90 suppressed, 5 lines same as above
200ffda0   F00060E7  000060E7  00002064  F00060B3    p.`g..`g.. dp.`3
200ffdb0   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  00002011    ..`3p.`4..`4.. .
200ffdc0   F0002004  F0002031  F00020AF  000020AF    p. .p. 1p. /.. /
200ffdd0   00002031  00002004  F000500A  F0005048    .. 1.. .p.P.p.PH
200ffde0   00005048  F000501F  F000518F  F0005C05    ..PHp.P.p.Q.p.\.
200ffdf0   00005C05  0000518F  F00020A4  000020A4    ..\...Q.p. $.. $
200ffe00   F0002008  F0002034  F0002000  F000518F    p. .p. 4p. .p.Q.
200ffe10   F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F  00002000    p.\...\...Q... .
200ffe20   F00020B0  000220B0  F00020B0  00000000    p. 0.. 0p. 0....
200ffe30   00000000  00000078  0000001A  00000000    .......x........
200ffe40   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ffe50   00000000  00000000                        ........


| MQSeries First Failure Symptom Report
| =====================================
| Date/Time         :- Tuesday January 07 07:38:41 CST 2003
| Host Name         :- hub (AIX 4.3)
| PIDS              :- 5765B73
| LVLS              :- 520
| Product Long Name :- MQSeries for AIX
| Vendor            :- IBM
| Probe Id          :- CO052000
| Application Name  :- MQM
| Component         :- cciTcpReceive
| Build Date        :- Nov  7 2000
| CMVC level        :- p000-L001106
| Build Type        :- IKAP - (Production)
| UserID            :- 00000007 (eadev)
| Program Name      :- runmqlsr_nd
| Process           :- 00195846
| Thread            :- 00008347
| Major Errorcode   :- rrcE_BAD_DATA_RECEIVED
| Minor Errorcode   :- OK
| Probe Type        :- MSGAMQ9207
| Probe Severity    :- 2
| Probe Description :- AMQ9207: The data received from host ''
is |
|   not valid.
| Comment1          :-
| Comment2          :- TCP/IP
| Comment3          :-


MQM Function Stack

MQM Trace History
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
---{ xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
----} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
----} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
--} rrxReportError rc=OK
--{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
--} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
--{ rrxError
--} rrxError rc=OK
--{ rrxError
--} rrxError rc=OK
--{ rrxReportError
---{ xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
---{ xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryDateTime2
-----{ xcsLocaltime
-----} xcsLocaltime rc=OK
----} xcsQueryDateTime2 rc=OK
----{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
----} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsGetMessage
-----{ xcsQueryCCSIDType
-----} xcsQueryCCSIDType rc=OK
-----{ xcsConvertString
-----} xcsConvertString rc=OK
----} xcsGetMessage rc=OK
----{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
----} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
----{ xcsFreeMem
----} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
---} xcsDisplayMessageForSubpool rc=OK
--} rrxReportError rc=OK
--{ rriReleaseQMResources
---{ rrxReleaseStatusTable
---} rrxReleaseStatusTable rc=OK
--} rriReleaseQMResources rc=OK
-} rrxResponder rc=rrcE_RESPONDER_NOT_STARTED
} ccxResponder rc=rrcE_RESPONDER_NOT_STARTED
{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ cccFreeMem
-{ xcsFreeMem
-} xcsFreeMem rc=OK
} cccFreeMem rc=OK
{ xcsTerminate
-{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
-} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-{ xppRunDestructors
--{ xstThreadDestructor
---{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
---} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
---{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
---} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
--} xstThreadDestructor rc=OK
-} xppRunDestructors rc=OK
-{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
-} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
} xcsTerminate rc=OK
{ xppCleanupDestructorRegistrations
} xppCleanupDestructorRegistrations rc=OK
{ xppInitialiseDestructorRegistrations
} xppInitialiseDestructorRegistrations rc=OK
{ xcsInitialize
-{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
-} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
-} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
} xcsInitialize rc=OK
{ cccGetMem
-{ xcsGetMem
-} xcsGetMem rc=OK
} cccGetMem rc=OK
{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
{ ccxResponder
-{ ccxNetWorkInit
--{ ccxParseIni
--} ccxParseIni rc=OK
--{ cciLoadLibrary
---{ cccGetMem
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
---} cccGetMem rc=OK
---{ xcsLoadFunction
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
----{ xcsQueryValueForSubpool
----} xcsQueryValueForSubpool rc=OK
---} xcsLoadFunction rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
---{ xcsQueryProcAddr
---} xcsQueryProcAddr rc=OK
--} cciLoadLibrary rc=OK
--{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
--} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
--{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
--} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-} ccxNetWorkInit rc=OK
-{ ccxAcceptConv
--{ cciTcpAcceptConv
---{ ioctl
---} ioctl rc=OK
--} cciTcpAcceptConv rc=OK
-} ccxAcceptConv rc=OK
-{ rrxResponder
--{ cccGetConfig
--} cccGetConfig rc=OK
--{ rriAcceptSess
---{ cccGetMem
----{ xcsGetMem
----} xcsGetMem rc=OK
---} cccGetMem rc=OK
---{ ccxSetTimeOut
---} ccxSetTimeOut rc=OK
---{ ccxReceive
----{ cciTcpReceive
-----{ ccxAllocMem
------{ cccGetMem
-------{ xcsGetMem
-------} xcsGetMem rc=OK
------} cccGetMem rc=OK
-----} ccxAllocMem rc=OK
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(2)
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(FFFF)
-----{ select
------{ xcsSelect
------} xcsSelect rc=Unknown(1)
-----} select rc=Unknown(1)
-----{ recv
-----} recv rc=Unknown(7)
-----{ xcsSleep
-----} xcsSleep rc=OK
-----{ ioctl
-----} ioctl rc=OK
-----{ gethostbyaddr
------{ xcsRequestThreadMutexSem
------} xcsRequestThreadMutexSem rc=OK
------{ xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem
------} xcsReleaseThreadMutexSem rc=OK
-----} gethostbyaddr rc=Unknown(1)
-----{ rrxError
-----} rrxError rc=OK
-----{ xcsBuildDumpPtr
------{ xcsGetMem
------} xcsGetMem rc=OK
-----} xcsBuildDumpPtr rc=OK
-----{ xcsFFST

Dump of Transmission Segment Header
2016f220             0700636F  6E6E6563  74              ..connect

Process Control Block
f07d0e30                       58494850  00000648            XIHP...H
f07d0e40   0002FD06  0000209B  200096A8  200FEC88    ..}... . ..( .l.
f07d0e50   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e60   00000000  00000001  00000000  00000006    ................
f07d0e70   00000000  00000005  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e80   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0e90   00000001  72756E6D  716C7372  5F6E6400    ....runmqlsr_nd.
f07d0ea0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d0eb0 to f07d1320 suppressed, 72 lines same as above
f07d1330   00000000  00000000  00000000  0034FFFF    .............4
f07d1340   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001    ................
f07d1350   00000000  00000000  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1360   00000000  00000100  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1370   00000000  00000100  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1380   00000000  00000000  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d1390   00000000  00000100  F07CFF74  00000000    ........p| t....
f07d13a0   00000000  00000100  00000000  00000001    ................
f07d13b0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d13c0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d13d0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d13e0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d13f0   00000048  00000000  00000000  00000000    ...H............
f07d1400   00000048  00000002  20010988  00000000    ...H.... .......
f07d1410   00000001  2000A888  00000000  00000000    .... .(.........
f07d1420   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000004    ................
f07d1430   00000000  00000000  00000002  00000000    ................
f07d1440   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1450   00000001  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1460   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
f07d1470   00000000  00000000  20009658  00000000    ........ ..X....

Common Services Control Block
2000fd10                       58494820  00000A00            XIH ....
2000fd20   00000001  0000000F  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd30   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd40   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd50   00000000  10000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fd60   00000000  00000000  00000000  20000000    ............ ...
2000fd70   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fd80   00000000  30000000  00000000  00000000    ....0...........
2000fd90   00000001  00000000  00000000  40000000    ............@...
2000fda0   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fdb0   00000000  50000000  00000000  00000000    ....P...........
2000fdc0   00000002  00000000  00000000  60000000    ............`...
2000fdd0   00000000  00000000  00000003  70000058    ............p..X
2000fde0   0000003A  70000000  70000050  00000001    ...:p...p..P....
2000fdf0   00000003  8000005C  001C008D  80000000    .......\........
2000fe00   80000054  00000007  00000001  00000000    ...T............
2000fe10   00000000  90000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fe20   00000001  00000000  00000000  A0000000    ............ ...
2000fe30   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000000    ................
2000fe40   00000000  B0000000  00000000  00000000    ....0...........
2000fe50   00000001  00000000  00000000  C0000000    ............@...
2000fe60   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fe70   00000000  D0000000  00000000  00000000    ....P...........
2000fe80   00000000  00000000  00000000  E0000000    ............`...
2000fe90   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000fea0   00000000  F0000000  00000000  00000000    ....p...........
2000feb0   20010728  20085CF8  65616465  76002100     ..( .\xeadev.!.
2000fec0   000000D6  00000333  00000000  00000000    ...V...3........
2000fed0   20062388  70000050  0016007C  2F766172     .#.p..P...|/var
2000fee0   2F6D716D  00000000  00000000  00000000    /mqm............
2000fef0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
2000ff00 to 200106e0 suppressed, 127 lines same as above
200106f0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001    ................
20010700   4E4C5F54  4F5F4C46  00000000  00000000    NL_TO_LF........
20010710   00000000  20062388                        .... .#.

Thread Control Block
200fec80                       58494854  00001248            XIHT...H
200fec90   0000209B  00000000  2008DE58  00000000    .. ..... .^X....
200feca0   00000000  00000000  00000001  00000001    ................
200fecb0   00000001  00000001  00000001  00000001    ................
200fecc0   00000000  F7B87877  7FFFFFBF  D495A9B8    ....w8xw.  ?T.)8
200fecd0   202838A0  F07D06F4  F07C99E4  20283D48     (8 p}.tp|.d (=H
200fece0   202839D7  00000005  00000002  00000000     (9W............
200fecf0   00000005  0000F000  202839D8  000011D0    ......p. (9X...P
200fed00   202839B4  F07D0E38  00000003  200FEC88     (94p}.8.... .l.
200fed10   0000F000  20283B88  200FEC88  000011D0    ..p. (;. .l....P
200fed20   200FEC88  44424424  00000000  00010020     .l.DBD$.......
200fed30   000000DB  00000204  00000000  00000000    ...[............
200fed40   00000000  20093960  000000F0  2008DDD0    .... .9`...p .]P
200fed50   00000080  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fed60   00000000  200937A0  00000090  00000000    .... .7 ........
200fed70   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fed80   00000000  200939C0  00000090  00000000    .... .9@........
200fed90   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200feda0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fedb0   00000000  00000000  00000000  20283900    ............ (9.
200fedc0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200fedd0 to 200ff6d0 suppressed, 145 lines same as above
200ff6e0   00000000  00000000  FFFFFFFF  00000001    ........    ....
200ff6f0   00000000  00000001  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff700   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff710   00000000  0000074D  00000000  00000000    .......M........
200ff720   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff730   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff740   00000000  00000000  F7B87877  7FFFFFBF    ........w8xw.  ?
200ff750   00000001  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff760   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff770 to 200ff7d0 suppressed, 7 lines same as above
200ff7f0 to 200ff810 suppressed, 3 lines same as above
200ff820   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff830 to 200ff960 suppressed, 20 lines same as above
200ff970   00000000  00000000  00000000  F0002013    ............p. .
200ff980   F000500A  F000501F  F0002008  F0002034    p.P.p.P.p. .p. 4
200ff990   F0005C03  F0005C15  F0005C17  F0005C17    p.\.p.\.p.\.p.\.
200ff9a0   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ff9b0 to 200ffa30 suppressed, 9 lines same as above
200ffa40   00000000  00005C06  00005C16  F0005C4C    ......\...\.p.\L
200ffa50   F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17    p.\+..\+p.\...\.
200ffa60   00005C4C  F00060F6  000060F6  F0005C13    ..\Lp.`v..`vp.\.
200ffa70   00005C13  F0005C13  00005C13  F0005C02    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffa80   00005C02  F0005C02  00005C02  F0005C02    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffa90   00005C02  F0005C15  00005C15  F0005C15    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffaa0   00005C15  F0005C15  00005C15  F0005C15    ..\.p.\...\.p.\.
200ffab0   00005C15  00005C17  00005C4C  F00060B4    ..\...\...\Lp.`4
200ffac0   000060B4  F0005C06  00005C06  00005C16    ..`4p.\...\...\.
200ffad0   0000502A  F000503D  F000500B  0000500B    ..P*p.P=p.P...P.
200ffae0   0000503D  9228500A  92282013  F00060B3    ..P=.(P..( .p.`3
200ffaf0   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  F0005190    ..`3p.`4..`4p.Q.
200ffb00   F0005C06  00005C06  00005190  F0005C00    p.\...\...Q.p.\.
200ffb10   F00060B3  000060B3  F0005D1C  F0005D25    p.`3..`3p.].p.]%
200ffb20   F00060B3  000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4    p.`3..`3p.`4..`4
200ffb30   00005D25  00005D1C  F00060B4  000060B4    ..]%..].p.`4..`4
200ffb40   00005C00  F0005D05  00005D05  F0005D04    ..\.p.]...].p.].
200ffb50   00005D04  F0005C01  F00060B3  000060B3    ..].p.\.p.`3..`3
200ffb60   F00060B4  000060B4  00005C01  F000518F    p.`4..`4..\.p.Q.
200ffb70   F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F  F00060B3    p.\...\...Q.p.`3
200ffb80   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  F0002013    ..`3p.`4..`4p. .
200ffb90   F0002011  F0002061  00002061  F0002064    p. .p. a.. ap. d
200ffba0   F000518F  F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F    p.Q.p.\...\...Q.
200ffbb0   F00060B0  F0005C05  00005C05  F0005D59    p.`0p.\...\.p.]Y
200ffbc0   00005D59  000060B0  F00060E7  000060E7    ..]Y..`0p.`g..`g
200ffbd0   F00060E7  000060E7  F00060E7  000060E7    p.`g..`gp.`g..`g
200ffbe0 to 200ffc20 suppressed, 5 lines same as above
200ffc30   F00060E7  000060E7  00002064  F00060B3    p.`g..`g.. dp.`3
200ffc40   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  00002011    ..`3p.`4..`4.. .
200ffc50   F0002004  F0002031  F00020AF  000020AF    p. .p. 1p. /.. /
200ffc60   00002031  00002004  F000500A  F0005048    .. 1.. .p.P.p.PH
200ffc70   00005048  F000501F  F000518F  F0005C05    ..PHp.P.p.Q.p.\.
200ffc80   00005C05  0000518F  F00020A4  000020A4    ..\...Q.p. $.. $
200ffc90   F0002008  F0002034  F0002000  F000518F    p. .p. 4p. .p.Q.
200ffca0   F0005C05  00005C05  0000518F  00002000    p.\...\...Q... .
200ffcb0   F00020B0  000220B0  F00020B0  FFFF20B0    p. 0.. 0p. 0   0
200ffcc0   F00020B1  F0005D2A  00015D2A  000120B1    p. 1p.]*..]*.. 1
200ffcd0   F00020B0  000720B0  F0005C14  00005C14    p. 0.. 0p.\...\.
200ffce0   F00020AF  000020AF  F00020B2  F00060B3    p. /.. /p. 2p.`3
200ffcf0   000060B3  F00060B4  000060B4  000120B2    ..`3p.`4..`4.. 2
200ffd00   F000502B  0000502B  F0005C02  F0005C05    p.P+..P+p.\.p.\.
200ffd10   00005C05  00005C02  F0005C03  F00060B3    ..\...\.p.\.p.`3
200ffd20   000060B3  F0005C16  F0005C05  00005C05    ..`3p.\.p.\...\.
200ffd30   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffd40   00005C17  00005C4C  F0005C73  F00060F6    ..\...\Lp.\sp.`v
200ffd50   000060F6  00005C73  F00060B3  000060B3    ..`v..\sp.`3..`3
200ffd60   F0005D59  00005D59  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    p.]Y..]Yp.\Lp.\+
200ffd70   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffd80   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffd90   00005C17  00005C4C  F00060B4  000060B4    ..\...\Lp.`4..`4
200ffda0   F0005C06  00005C06  00005C16  F0005C16    p.\...\...\.p.\.
200ffdb0   F0005C05  00005C05  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    p.\...\.p.\Lp.\+
200ffdc0   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffdd0   F0005C73  F00060F6  000060F6  00005C73    p.\sp.`v..`v..\s
200ffde0   F00060B3  000060B3  F0005D59  00005D59    p.`3..`3p.]Y..]Y
200ffdf0   F0005C4C  F0005C2B  00005C2B  F0005C17    p.\Lp.\+..\+p.\.
200ffe00   00005C17  00005C4C  F0005C4C  F0005C2B    ..\...\Lp.\Lp.\+
200ffe10   00005C2B  F0005C17  00005C17  00005C4C    ..\+p.\...\...\L
200ffe20   F00060B4  000060B4  F0005C06  00000000    p.`4..`4p.\.....
200ffe30   00000000  0000001C  0000001A  00000000    ................
200ffe40   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000    ................
200ffe50   00000000  00000000                        ........


| MQSeries First Failure Symptom Report
| =====================================
| Date/Time         :- Tuesday January 07 07:39:47 CST 2003
| Host Name         :- hub (AIX 4.3)
| PIDS              :- 5765B73
| LVLS              :- 520
| Product Long Name :- MQSeries for AIX
| Vendor            :- IBM
| Probe Id          :- CO052000
| Application Name  :- MQM
| Component         :- cciTcpReceive
| Build Date        :- Nov  7 2000
| CMVC level        :- p000-L001106
| Build Type        :- IKAP - (Production)
| UserID            :- 00000007 (eadev)
| Program Name      :- runmqlsr_nd
| Process           :- 00195846
| Thread            :- 00008348
| Major Errorcode   :- rrcE_BAD_DATA_RECEIVED
| Minor Errorcode   :- OK
| Probe Type        :- MSGAMQ9207
| Probe Severity    :- 2
| Probe Description :- AMQ9207: The data received from host ''
is |
|   not valid.
| Comment1          :-
| Comment2          :- TCP/IP
| Comment3          :-


MQM Function Stack

#### InterScan_Disclaimer.txt has been removed from this note on January 08
2003 by Morag Hughson

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