When I execute the PCF command MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS using mqExecute I get the following error code 3065 MQRCCF_CHL_STATUS_NOT_FOUND. This has been working for about a year now, but recently I can't get the status of a channel. If I use the GUI explorer I can see the channel status with no problem, but when I run my C program I keep getting this return of 3065. My parameter list is just the channel name. Does anyone have any ideas I keep getting this return code?
I can't see what's wrong with this...
 // Create an admin bag for the mqExecute call.                            
 // Exit the function if the create fails.                                  
 mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &adminBag, &compCode, &reason);
 if (compCode !=MQCC_OK)
  return (-1);
 // Create a response bag for the mqExecute call, exit the function if the 
 // create fails.                                                           
 mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &responseBag, &compCode, &reason);
 if (compCode !=MQCC_OK)
  return (-1);
 // Insert the name of the channel to retrieve status info on, to be created into the admin bag.         
 // This will be used by the mqExecute call.                                
 mqAddString(adminBag, MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME, MQBL_NULL_TERMINATED, qChannelName, &compCode, &reason);
 // Send the command to retrieve channel information.                      
 // The mqExecute call creates the PCF structure required, sends it to     
 // the command server, and receives the reply from the command server into
 // the response bag.                                                       
 mqExecute(m_Hcon,                   // MQ connection handle                
  MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS,   // Command to be executed              
  MQHB_NONE,               // No options bag                      
  adminBag,                // Handle to bag containing commands   
  responseBag,             // Handle to bag to receive the response
  MQHO_NONE,               // Put msg on SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE 
  MQHO_NONE,               // Create a dynamic q for the response  
  &mqExecuteCC,               // Completion code from the mqexecute   
  &mqExecuteRC);                // Reason code from mqexecute call      
 // Check the command server is started. If not exit.                      
  MQDISC(&m_Hcon, &compCode, &reason);

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