Hello Doug,

> If the ASCI x'21' to EBCDIC x'4F' is "correct", ...

This is correct, if "your" EBCDIC is CCSID500.

See the following char table of CodePage500. x'4F' means exclamation mark.
On the other hand, in the EBCDIC CCSID924(=CodePage924), x'5A' means
exclamation mark.


500 and 924 are mere examples. There are some variations (or dialects?) of
Check your appropriate CCSID.

Yasuo Takei

                      Douglas Pierson                                                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
                      OM>                      cc:                                     
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  One bad character during 
ASCII to EBCDIC conversion                     
                      2003/01/16 02:49                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      MQSeries List                                                    

Hi Everyone,

I have an MQI application that sends character data from Win2K (MQ 5.2,
CCSID 437) to OS/390 (MQ 2.1, CCSID 500).  Conversion is requested of the
qmgr by the application on the MQGET.

The data is converted, except for one problem.  An exclamation point, ASCII
x'21', is converted to a vertical bar, EBCDIC x'4F'.  Shouldn't it instead
convert to EBCDIC x'5A'?

While Appendix H of MQ's Application Programmer's Reference identifies the
supported CCSID's, it doesn't show a character-by-character mapping.  Is
such a mapping available somewhere?  If the ASCI x'21' to EBCDIC x'4F' is
"correct", must I resort to a data conversion exit to solve my problem?

Doug Pierson

"{-???  ???x2!K  )b?         

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