Sort of yes, but, it's pretty brutal.

I had the same issue, and raised the question with Hursley.  This information is 
stored in a file  \tool\panes.ini.  One option was that a person could write a script 
to edit this file and remove some of the lines before starting the control center, 
forcing the connection dialog.  But it was pretty messy figuring out what to remove.  
Instead, the other option that they suggested was to just delete the file.  This does 
force the connection dialog, but it also removes the graphical information associated 
with the control center as well as your repository information.  Which gave me more 
problems then it solved.

I requested that they make the displaying of the connection dialog at startup either 
an option or a feature of the product, but, am not holding my breath on that.

Tim Halbur 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hornby, Derek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:29 PM
Subject: WMQI V2.1 Control Center Question

... is there a way of forcing Control Center to always request connection info when 
connecting to a remote config manager (instead of just connecting to the last config 
manager it was used with) ?

... that way, I could avoid the scenario where someone opens up Control Center, sees 
the Topology in the Config Manager, thinks they are in Dev. , then deletes a few 
"unwanted" brokers then --- oops,
finds that they were connected to a Prod Config Manager !

.... forcing the entry of the Connection info every time would at least cause the user 
to stop and think !

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