>I know this is not MQ specific, but the code I am trying to compile does
in fact use MQ...
> I am trying to create a "library" on the AS/400 that is dynamically
linked to a program like DLLs on NT and shared libraries on AIX. From the
ILE C++ compiler manuals, this is called a >service program.
> I am doing the following:
>1. Compiling my library into a service program.
>2. Compiling the client code into a normal program, specifying the service
program at the binding stage.

>If I then update my library code and recompile just using step 1 above, it
appears that the client code has statically linked to the library code and
does not pick up the new version >automatically.

>Can anybody suggest what I am doing wrong? Are there any specific compiler
options that indicate dynamic instead of static linking?

>The library code is C/C++ and the client code is either straight C and

>I am trying a test program out, using a C client talking to a C library
and it still doesn't work.


I'm not an AS/400 expert but I know a man who is...........

Mark Phillips, one of our AS/400 developers wrote : -

"It is possible that the program is picking up an old version of the
service program.

When programs / service programs are recreated on iSeries, the compiler
moves the old version of the object to a special system library called
QRPLOBJ.  This has the benefit that any programs with cached pointers to
the recompiled program/service program will not fail.  The downside is that
the new version is not picked up automatically.

There are two possible solutions to this... One is to sign off and back on
again (obviously not ideal, but if this doesn't work then you don't have
the QRPLOBJ problem).  The other is to reclaim the resources that your job
is using, forcing a refresh of the pointers etc.  You can do this with the

One final point is that you should make sure that the QRPLOBJ library gets
cleared down from time to time"

Hope this helps,

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

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