Title: Strange Behaviour QMGR

Please help, any input will be appreciated.

Strange new problem on unix(AIX) qmgr  connected to os390 and NT qmgr's. Happened on 30 December and 31 January. Unix ver 5.1, mvs and NT ver 5.2

QMGR to QMGR connected through sender and receiver channels - disconnect interval 0.

The following are noticed between NT and Unix even though the channels on both sides shows as "running" and messages are not received. Soon after this, no RUNMQSC commands can be entered on Unix and eventually the QMGR needs to be bounced. There are no error logs on Unix.

What causes a connection on a port to get a CLOSE_WAIT status?

What can be done to rectify it. When it hits this state soon RUNMQSC does not accept any input and shortly thereafter the QMGR cannot being brought down, not even with the '-i' command. After  restarting the unix qmgr, everything is sorted out.  

Command failed: chmod a+rw /dev/null
chmod: /dev/null: Not owner
Press return to continue:
08:07:00 all_adm@flash_boot1:/main/nedcor/home/all_adm
>netstat -a| grep 1414
tcp4       0      0  swift1.1414            safeprod.it.nedn.3798  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  swift1.1414            mvsprod.it.nedne.2573  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  *.1414                 *.*                    LISTEN
tcp4       0      0  swift1.32905           safeprod.it.nedn.1414  CLOSE_WAIT

Thank you
Pieter Voges
MQ Support
Nedcor Limited
Tel: (011) 881 4410
Sel: 083 6455 300

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