
We recently did something similar and suffered somewhat on the MF due to
TTL.  If you rely on DNS, then switching the IP addresses are dependent on a
thing called TTL (time to live).  The Chinits (or should I say LE) will
cache an IP address derived from a DNS for the length of time given by TTL.
This TTL value is supposed to save cycles and time in having to go to the
DNS every time you want to know what the IP address.  It is common practice
to set these TTL values to 12 hours or more.  This means the Chinit will not
let go of the old IP address until the TTL has expired or the Chinit has
been recycled.  There is a fair amount of information to be seen on this
topic (TTL) by using Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
From: Harmeson, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 7:22 AM
Subject: Host Names/TCP/IP Addresses

Hi All,

We are going to a new MF 2064-102 with OS/390 2.10 MQSeries 2.1 (MF)
connecting to UNIX Solaris 8.7.1, NT 4.1 and W2K SP3 boxes. While our host
names (what we use in the channel definitions) are not changing our TCP/IP
addresses are. Will my channels find the new IP addresses if I just stop and
restart the channels or do I need to stop and restart the queue managers on
the distributed side?


Steve Harmeson

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