Well it seems that DR recovery procedures are a manual method by the
response to my inquiry for a script. All of you left me no choise but
actually work for a living and do it my self. Being the nice "GUY" I am and
going on the premise that no one thought of this script before I am
officially addiing some tokens to my "GET INTO HEAVEN" account and giving
this little guy to you. If you have many channels it could actually save you
fingers as well as your eye site in the event of a restore. We have a WMQI
hub where everything is centeralized. You can imagine the numrber of
channels. This script will work for the HUB as well as the spoke QMGR. ENJOY


PS I have not tested the "INDOUBT" code as I could get a channel to go
"INDOUBT" but it should work.

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Attachment: SDRChlReset
Description: Binary data

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