
IBM states that the 'EARLY' code is downward compatible, and having
upgraded several releases in the past, I expect that it will work.

Using 2.1 / 5.2 as an example.  We were unable to use the 2.1 ISPF panels
to view 5.2 queue managers, and the reverse.  The utilites for old version
continued to work as before, (provided the old version of the mq libs were
used.  There is a prereq fix that is required on 5.2 to allow it to Q-share
with 5.3.

I have not brought up a 5.3 system,  but we are running COBOL programs
compiled under 1.1.4  without problem, and IBM has stated that is is object
level compatible, so I do not expect any problems.  Again IBM Mainframe
products have a good record of this since the early days of the s/360's.

glen larson
zurich north america

"Ofeldt, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@AKH-Wien.AC.AT> on
02/14/2003 08:14:15 AM

Please respond to MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:    MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:    Re: MQ V5.2 & 5.3 Compatibility on Mainframe

Could someone please tell me if MQ V5.3 is downward compatible to V5.2 on
the mainframe?    If I apply early code for v5.3 will utilities and QMGRs
using the old v5.2 libraries still run with no problems?   Can v5.2 and
v5.3 QMGRs in the same Q-sharing group coexist? Will cobol coded programs
run OK without recompiling?

Thank you

Bob Ofeldt


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