I guess I'm just looking for some clarification here.  When I use the CICS
Adapter and place a message on a queue which is triggered on in cics.  Now
CKTI starts the transaction I specified in the "Process" definition.
However it starts the transaction with the userid that started the CKTI
transaction.  That is well and good except for the fact if I want to start
various transactions for various applications, I have to give the userid
which started CKTI access to all the transactions that CICS is going to
start.  Is this correct?  So if I have 15 application transactions to run,
the same CKTI starting userid has to have access to all of them.  Why isn't
the Useridentifier of the Mqseries message just passed in, and then CICS
will use that userid to start the transaction.  You can set the CICS Bridge
up this way, but why not the adapter?  Am I missing something or is there
an alternative way to do this?



Gary Klos
Online Systems - PSC
United States Steel Corporation

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