In addition to what was already said: If you traverse unlike platforms (ie.
from UNIX to Mainframe) and need character set conversion you will have no
other option than to convert the binary content into a character
representation. Otherwise either your XML tags will not be converted or your
binary content will not be the same after MQ tried to convert it. Putting it
at the tail end of a message won't help here since MQ converts all or
nothing if you don't want to write your own data conversion exit (and I
think you don't want that ;-)...).
Have you thought about putting the binary content and the XML in separate
messages and just reference the binary message from within the XML? It might
be a bit more programming, but if message size and performance are an issue
that might be an alternative worth thinking about. You could put the binary
message first and put the messageId returned by MQ into your XML message.
The receiving end would get the XML message first and then do a qualified
MQGET on the binary message queue using the messageID from the XML. You will
probably have to base64 encode the messageID, too, but that's only 24 Bytes
instead of how many?
Maybe it doesn't fit your application model, but I thought I spit it out
Have a great weekend,

From: "Chan, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XML blob as MQ Message
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 10:12:33 -0500

Hey guys,

Back ground information:
1.  I have a few chucks of binary data.
2.  I need to put them as part of the XML message.
3.  This XML message is to be sent as MQ message.

Now here are my questions,
1. What is the fastest and easiest way to move these binary data to XML and
send as MQ Message ?
2. For speed and feed, should I just tag these binary data on the tail end
of the MQ Message ?

Any feed back is appreciated.


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